Stelvideo Christian Church will host annual Memorial Day Service


DARKE COUNTY – Stelvideo Christian Church will host their annual Memorial Day Service on Sunday, May 26 at 1 p.m.

The guest speaker will be Clyde M. Hughes. Clyde Hughes served as a Medic and Commander’s Driver for the United States Army’s 45th Field Hospital in Italy. He now serves as the Chaplain and Rifleman for the Dayton National Cemetery Honor Squad, participating in about 800 Military Honors. He is also a member of the Dayton National Cemetery Support Committee and an Honor Guard member of American Legion Post 201 in West Jefferson, Ohio.

Immediately following the service at the church, a short ceremony will be held at the Stelvideo Cemetery by the American Legion Post #140.

Stelvideo Christian Church is located six miles northeast of Greenville near the intersection of Horatio-Harris Creek Road and Arcanum-Bears Mill Road.