Friday, July 26, 2024
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Writers Block

My poor neighbor is living next to an idiot

It was after midnight. I’d been reading a good, action-packed Clive Cussler novel and it made me miss my bedtime. Which, by the way,...

A question about the book of Job

My son is reading through the book of Job and asked this question. It’s a great question, and one that had never occurred to...

Return to home: Confessions of a novice drone pilot

There is no panic quite like that experienced by a child who knows he’s about to lose his favorite toy. Today I proved that...

Declaration of War

I am declaring war, open warfare. And since I am not a signatory to the Geneva Convention, I’m gonna ignore its stipulations. I’m not...

When Fiction Becomes Reality

The year is 2060. Between global war and a virulent, lethal pandemic the total population of the planet is headed south of eight million....

Issue 1: It’s About Much More than Abortion

Ohioans began voting on Issue 1 on October 11. Voting concludes on November 7. If you have not yet voted, there is something you...

Finishing Primary Flight Instruction

Weather had us grounded. Like crystal daggers, icicles hung off the wings of the yellow trainers on the flight-line. The ceiling was low and...

High Plains Beauty

You can see forever. What at first seems to be a featureless, rolling plain when viewed from a distance, unfolds into gulleys, draws, and...

Editor of the Babylon Bee stung in early morning raid

MULESHOE, TX – In a stunning pre-dawn raid, a strike team composed of EPA and FDA agents arrested Calvin Johns, editor of the Babylon...

Hot Poker!

Okay, we aren’t talking about a game of cards, gang.  We’re talking about fireplace pokers, and how to turn a cold poker into a...