MV FFA helps with tornado relief efforts


UNION CITY – The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter helped with the tornado relief efforts. On March 20, 25 members from the chapter traveled outside of Union City and 26 members traveled outside of Greenville to help those who were affected by the tornados.

The members walked local fields and helped pick up all the items that had blown into them.

The students worked with local community members, farmers, business owners, and other FFA Chapters. The people they worked with included Mark Edger, Darrell Gower, Wade Hunt, Dale Dircksen, Alex Murphy, Kyle Schlechty, Jeff Slyder, Jermey Edger, Cody Meyer, John Welbourn, Nick Philipsoian, Jim Hanes, Scott Geesaman, the Darke County Sheriff Office, Greenville Community of Faith, and the Ansonia FFA Chapter. Thank you to Whistle Stop, Sharp’s Tavern, Pizza Hut, and Dominos for donating pizza and drinks for lunch. This was a great way to help those in need.

It was amazing to see the community come together and help each other out. Thank you to all the members who went out and helped; your work was greatly appreciated!