Free online workshop for family caregivers


Being a caregiver is difficult, it’s important to take the time to focus on yourself and get refilled. Presenter Becky Ketron from the Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Board is going to address how to do just that. How to directly address your caregiver stress and the importance of self-care in this free online workshop.

Registration is requested by December 2 to Mary Hairston at 937-341-6944 or [email protected]. Details needed for registration include email, phone number and mailing address (to receive free Caregiver book).

All attendees located in our nine counties will receive a free copy of “Powerful Tools for Caregiver” book.

This workshop is courtesy of the Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2, which helps older adults of West Central Ohio remain in their homes with independence and dignity. We are an independent, private, nonprofit corporation that plans and funds services for older persons in Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby Counties.