Boy Scout finishes service project to become Eagle Scout

Jimmy Normile, Graham Milligan, Mason Garber, Blake Addis, Jack Marshal, Evan Addis, Richard Normile

GREENVILLE – The Boy Scouts of America and Troop 373 awarded Blake Addis of Greenville, its highest rank, the Eagle Scout Award, at a Court of Honor Ceremony at Chenoweth Trails. Blake is the son of Larry and Amy Addis and is one of approximately four percent of all Boy Scouts who attain the rank of Eagle. Blake had to earn 21 merit badges, show leadership, and successfully complete a community or church-related service project to complete his Eagle Scout requirements.

Blake started in Cub Scouts in Arcanum when he was five years old with Troop185. He attended numerous camps, completed several community service activities, held various offices, and participated in flag ceremonies all over Darke County.        

Blake transferred to Troop 373 when he was in seventh grade. He has had so many opportunities to grow as an individual. He went camping at Logan, Little Turtle, and Woodland trails, participated in trash bash, volunteered for scouting for food, worked fair parking, helped with flag ceremonies, and served meals at the Moose Lodge. He was a member of the order of the Arrow.

He started his Eagle project in February 2021 and completed it in March 2022. He planned on building a 30 x 30 Outdoor Learning Center at his school- Franklin Monroe High School. He wanted to give back after all he got from the school. The outdoor learning center is built by an outside retention pond. This can provide the teachers with a work center to teach kids about the ecosystems. It will allow students to have a more hands-on learning environment and aid in teaching the kids about animals and plants near the pond. 

A total of 884 hours were spent on this project. Blake learned through this project how to make a proposal, figure out supplies, tools, and materials needed, provide a budget, be a leader, and manage the logistics and safety of the project.

Blake would like to thank his Project Beneficiary Representative, Mr. Kevin Bergman, for all his support and help with this project, his Unit leader, Richard Normile, Unit Committee Chair, Jeanie Normile, and the Jack Davis Memorial Fund.

Addis is a 2023 Franklin Monroe High School graduate and plans on attending IU East to receive a bachelor’s degree in human life sciences, then attending Life University and becoming a chiropractor.

Troop 373 has dissolved but left its mark with 5 Eagle Scouts. Blake would like to thank Troop 373!!