Building a barndominium with our SIP panels is by far superior to your normal build. A normal 2×4 stick-built home has an R-value of 19 while a 2×6 home has an R-value of 21.
Our SIP panel 2×4 panels have an R-value of 26, while a 2X6 panel home has an R-value of 40. These superior insulation values allow you to achieve a more energy-efficient home while also reducing the size of the HVAC system you need to heat and cool your home. This equates to lower energy bills which puts more money back in your pocket.
Our SIP panels are also extremely strong. This allows you to build a heavy timber roof or timber frame style with exposed beams to give you that farmhouse look everyone desires. You can blend the use of drywall, wood panels, tile, or whatever your heart desires to finish out the interior of your home.
The pre-installed vapor barrier on the exterior, and the use of a patented cam lock system
make for a quicker build process with our SIP panels. Our panels can also be ordered with a pre-installed board and batten-look LP siding. Your electrical boxes for the exterior walls are also pre-installed with conduit to ease the installation of your electrical system. All these pre-installed items speed up the build process as they save steps down the road. The cam lock system also allows for a no heat loss area at panel joints as is common in most SIP panels.
We can customize any floorplan you have seen or think of to build you the home of your dreams. Give Tami a call at 513-907-0367 today and ask how she can help you achieve your dream home. Check out our website at for further information on our SIP panels. We are here to help you make your dream home a reality.
We also offer packages for home builders as well, so give us a call and ask us how we can help you set yourself apart from your competition.