TROY– At a time in which school safety concerns have never been higher, the Troy City School district looks to its three Troy City Police Department School Resource Officers to take a leading role in keeping students and staff members safe.
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day is Sunday, Jan. 15. The Troy City Schools have three full-time SROs, Zach Hook (Troy High School), Brian Ross (Troy Junior High School and Van Cleve Sixth Grade Building) and Tracy Long (TCS’ six elementary school buildings).
“We are so fortunate to have an incredible working relationship with the City of Troy and the Troy Police Department,” Troy City Schools Superintendent Chris Piper said. “All three of our School Resource Officers are tremendous professionals who perform a variety of duties in our school buildings, not the least of which is making sure we are able to keep our students and staff members safe.
“Officers Hook, Ross and Long do a tremendous job working with our students and staff. They have all worked hard to build a true rapport with our students, who look up to them and appreciate being able to see them on a daily basis. We are lucky to have them as a part of our Trojan Family.”
Here is a closer look at the district’s three SROs.
Zach Hook
SRO Hook has been involved in law enforcement for the past 13 years and has three years of experience in the SRO program. This year marks his first at Troy High School, after previously serving two years at Troy Junior High School. Hook’s primary responsibilities consist of the safety and security of approximately 1,400 students and staff. He’s also very involved in teaching and is responsible for courses that include mental health awareness, effects of alcohol and drugs and technology safety. Hook enjoys his position because he gets to have positive interactions with students and staff, rather than only handle problematic situations.
Tracy Long
SRO Long has been involved in law enforcement for the past 26 years and is also a United States Marine Corps veteran. Long is currently assigned to Troy City Schools elementary buildings, but also assists at Troy Christian and St. Patrick School. Long is highly involved in the DARE Program and he’s been assigned as an SRO for the past five years. Long enjoys teaching DARE and his daily interactions with students and staff.
Brian Ross
SRO Ross has been involved in law enforcement for 17 years and is also a United States Army Veteran. Ross is currently assigned to the Van Cleve Sixth Grade Building and Troy Junior High School. He is the newest edition to the School Resource Officer program. His primary responsibilities consist of building safety and security, in addition to teaching DARE curriculum and technology safety. Ross enjoys his new role as a mentor to the students and hopes to have a positive impact in their lives and steer them in the right direction.