Life’s Reflections: Recycling A Major Part of the Moody Lifestyle

This is just a small portion of the items that are recycled in the Moody household. There is usually a lot more each time we make a trip to the recycling Dumpster in town. (Linda Moody photo)

One of the things that I enjoy doing is recycling.

Not only does it clear out my apartment, but it makes me feel good to contribute to the upkeep of nature and helping others.

I’ve been doing it for quite a few years now, even before I moved here 15 years ago with my son, Jamie.

Because my apartment is not as large as a house, I put my recyclables in plastic lawn bags until I can get them to the recycling bin in town.

I place my paper, magazines, and cardboard in one trash bag, while the other contains glass, aluminum containers, cans, and plastic products. Sometimes, I have two or three of the latter on a trip to the Dumpster.

I also save bottle caps that go to Darke County Solid Waste, manned by Kristen Fourman (now Unger), a good friend of our family. In fact, she was the guest speaker at one of the programs presented one year for the youth of Darke County. It was an agricultural event held in the Youth building on the fairgrounds. Her talk about plastic bottles and what they are doing to the environment got my attention, and I’m pretty sure I started recycling whenever that was.

I also have some aerosol containers to turn in to her as well. That just started recently after I heard they accept those as well.

My egg cartons go to a neighbor lady, and my gallon jugs that contained distilled water for Jamie’s CPAP machine go to Shawnee Prairie officials to use for a specific project.

I also take the paperwork I want to dispose of to the Shred Day at the Darke County Fairgrounds, also conducted by Krista, twice a year. Most of that is junk mail, but I get it shredded since it has my name, address, and other personal information.

The remaining things that I collect at my house are here to stay. I would like to, however, get rid of such things as dust and bills, but they would be hard to dispose of without me getting into any trouble.

Yes, it’s not only a hobby, but it helps in keeping my life in order. Sometimes, we need that.

I am so glad recycling is offered in Darke County.


Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of Betty Waggoner, Katherine “Kay” Cullers, and Nandor Varsanyi.  


Please pray for these people: George Young, Kara Didier, Sonny Custer, Betty Burnfield,  Dan Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Pam Norman-Penticuff, Kelly Kelch, Michelle Coppess Hiestand, Katie Young, Mike Mayse, Greg Moody, Kelly Jo Eikenberry (kidney transplant) and son Allen (donor), Larry Linder, Steve Waymire, Allison “Ally” Miller, Grace Boyd, Jason Stover Jr., Jeff Brocious, Jamie Knick, Dan Lockhart, Jenny Pitman, Nikole Baldridge, Chester Bryant, Melinda (Batten) Stacy, Michelle Young,  Margaret Hoening, Manual Macias, Kathy McNutt Dapore, Lester Beisner, Delores Beisner, Kermit Foureman, Chuck “C.W.” Cruze, Mark Lovejoy, Connie Buemi Hodson, Michelle Grottle Wright, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Marie Schlechty, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke,  Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Doug Winger, Rusty Maloy, Debbie Mayse, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Jeanie Francis, Harvey Hinshaw, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Gary Francis, Anthony and Theresa Grillot, Lee Everhart, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt, D’Arleen Waymire, Zach Urbancic.

Also, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Carol Hemmerich, Dave Hinshaw, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Michael Mowery, Kenny Edwards, Judie Hathaway, Ned and Brenda Wallace, Rick Marker, Randy Garrison, Jannie Barrow, Kathy Gragorace, Danny Foster, Becky Everhart, Becky Oliver, Steve Neff, James Enicks,  Cathy Collins Peters, Donna Bixler, Linda Subler, Sally Burnett Ganger, Gloria Hodge, Jeff Baltes,  Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all of those who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.


Happy birthday:  
Oct. 24 to Ron Cox, Gary Jenkinson, Amber Everman, Marty Davis, and Breena Hall.
Oct. 25 to Kami Shinn Phlipot, Mark Phlipot, Jim Brewer, Vicki Rifenberg, Jason Newbauer, Diana Keller, Renee McCleskey, Doug Falknor, Danette Fitzgerald, Stanley Cox, Cuyler McCartney, Lois Hittle, twins Rick and Dick Hunt, Hilary Holzapfel and Kali Wilcutt.  
Oct. 26 to Melissa Nicholson, Karen Price, John Hathaway Jr., Tracy Post, Jeff Zumbrun, Russell Rex and Sue Leugers.
Oct. 27 to Rusty Maloy, Dianna Bang, Benjamin Barnt, Tammy Arnett, Dawson Roberts, Ethan Atkinson, Amy Prager, Tim Robertson, Ed Curry, Ann Mills Moore, Staey Spahr and Casey Marker.
Oct. 28 to Inez Clevenger (108), Roberta Westfall, Linda Yount, Cody Hittle, Carol Baughman, Jackie Macias, Brittany Widener, Bill Gunckle, Rita Fourman Barger, Tom Donnelly and Katherine Obringer.
Oct. 29 to Dylan Burnfield, Roger Fourman, Deb Ward, Sandy Welch, and Steve Willman.
Oct. 30 to Kenny Young III, Bob Wagner, Graham Luce, Dale Hunt, Ken Liette and Donald Netzley.

Happy anniversary to Rick and Darlene Riffell on Oct. 26; Darick and Ashley (Fisher) Rose,  Lance and Kari Bartrum, and Scott and Stephanie Helmke, all on Oct. 27; and Kenny and June Miller on Oct. 28.


Think about it: “Talking comes by nature. Silence comes by wisdom.” — Author Unknown