Life’s Reflections: Niswonger’s 100th birthday shared at toy contest

(Gaylen Blosser photo)

Once again, it was an honor and privilege to attend and cover the annual Wooden Toy Contest at the Ansonia Lumber Co., which was held Saturday morning.

In addition to the return of Scott Phillips of the American Woodshop, who judges the competition each year,  the event was extra special as one of the long-time contestants was celebrating his 100th birthday.

Yes, Harry Niswonger, the centenarian of Arcanum, this other honoree,  was in attendance.

In my opinion, Harry hasn’t really aged and surely doesn’t look like he is 100 years old. He walked with a cane but got around the wood shop very well and talked to a lot of well-wishers.

Mitch McCabe, organizer of this competition for 31 years, said Harry has competed in the contest for 16 years and won top prizes for nine of those years.

He even took home the first-place honor this year for his wooden tanker truck.

During the contest, Phillips asked Harry what he attributed to his longevity and he remarked, “no smoking, no drinking, no wild women and breathing as long as possible.”

Harry has also been entering his woodwork in the Domestic Arts Department at the Great Darke County Fair for a number of years, Betsy NIsonger, who is secretary of that department, was in attendance at the Wooden Toy Contest Saturday and had lots of good things to say about him.

In a previous interview, it was noted that Harry is a long-time resident of Arcanum, and had served with the U.S. Navy and worked in the model shop of Delco Products GMC.

His wife, Lois, died in 2009 and he has four children and numerous grand and great-grandchildren.

He indicated he is a self-taught woodworker and that it’s his hobby. According to the report, he has made clocks, carnival ride models, jewelry boxes and, of course, lots of toys.

It was noted by some people who made sure Harry got to Ansonia on Saturday that there was going to be a birthday party honoring him the next day at Miller’s Tavern in  Arcanum and invited people to come to it.

I hope Harry’s weekend was a great one for him. Happy birthday, Harry!

More on the Wooden Toy Contest will appear on My County Link this week.


Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of  Gail Stump, Mark Van De Pitte, Marvin McClannan, Alvin Stump, Lewis Lease and Wayne Baker,


Seeking prayers for these people: Kierra Reichert, Evelyn Manning, Tom Everhart, Kevin Schlechty, Darla Printz Whittaker, Roan Brubaker, Jack Edwards, Sandy Partin, Sandy Gunckle, Tonya Kelly, Jody Christman, Robert Christman, Mike Hopkins, Beth Royer-DeLong, Bob Christian, Mike Doyle, GraceLynn Harter, Chester Bryant, Linda Johnston, Terri Hunt, Patricia Maier, Ken Wombold, Delores Beisner, Jodi Gilpin Snyder, Charlie Bulcher, Ron Moody, Charlyee Severance, Justin Fritz, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, DeWayne Yohey, Katrina Hoening, Kent Snyder, (cousin) Carol Byrd, Gladys Neff, Kara Didier, Carl Francis, Craig “Cheese” Thompson, Bridget Brown.

Also, Don DeBord, Otis Stewart, Chris Clark, Slug Midlam, Bob Peters, Phyllis Brumbaugh, Judy Collins, Linda Gasper, Carol Hemmerich, Dan and Lisa Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Kelly Kelch, Mike Mayse, Steve Waymire, Nikole Baldridge, Lester Beisner, Mark Lovejoy, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Neal Gray, Judie Hathaway, Randy Garrison, Kathy Gragorace, Donna Bixler, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all others who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.


Happy birthday to:

Dec. 18 to Danny Garber, Cindi Aukerman, Dusty Hathaway, Phyllis Riegle and Steve Bricker.

Dec. 19 to Ben Bucholtz, June Baker, Alliana Clymer, Robyn  Studabaker, Donna Peters, Anna Myers and Ginger Sowry.

Dec. 20 to  Kathy Middleton Dapore, Rick Alexander, Kevin Oliver, twins Emma and Ava Erwin and Heidi Linebaugh.

Dec. 21 to  Lois Hoggatt, Karen Baker and Dr. Carlos Menendez.

Dec. 22 to  Logan Moody, Rosemary Nelson, Sonnie Hartrum and David Schlechty.

Dec. 23 to Vic Yagle, Ed Kress, Barbara Wilson, Kyle Wenworth, Garth Knick, Bud Johnston and Nellie Reier.

Dec. 24  to  Charles Prasuhn, Jamie Husted, Lance Bartram, Rick Macias, Mark Hierholzer and Cindy Hayes-Burk.

Happy anniversary to  Lance and Stephanie Clack on Dec. 18


Think about: “ The successful leader has not the loudest voice but the readiest ear. And his or her real genius may well lie not in personal achievement, but in unleashing other people’s talents.”–Author Unknown