Life’s Reflections: Glad India’s staying longer with Cincinnati Reds

It won't be long until we get to see this man, Jonathon India, back out on the Cincinnati Reds ball field or anywhere the Reds will be playing this coming season. Our household is happy he agreed to play for another two years with them.

After all of this cold weather and snow, I’m ready for it to get warmer, and I know a lot of other people are as well.

I don’t like to wish time away, but I’ll be glad when baseball season starts. Especially now since I’ve learned that Jonathan India is staying with the Cincinnati Reds for another two years. I wish it could be longer, but who knows?

When I heard that he could possibly leave the team at the end of last season, I was upset. He’s the one who makes the game interesting for me. Sure, there are more players that do as well, but I like his style and his ambition.

I was disappointed when he was injured last year. I know it wasn’t his fault, I missed him then he was healing too which seemed like it took forever.

It would be great if the Reds did as well as they did last year and even spice it up again this year and go all the way to a championship at the World Series.

But, if they don’t, I will still try and watch when I can. It doesn’t take much to please me, especially when it comes to people who stand out over others.

I wish India and his teammates a successful 2024. Play great ball and try to stay healthy and off the injured list! I will be watching it soon.

As noted in a previous column, I was unable to attend the Darke County Tractor Pullers Association’s banquet because of transportation issues. However, I did receive the results and other information from that event as follows:

9,000-pound Alt. Farm: Champion Jack Bingham, Reserve Grand Champion Scott Patterson, and third-place points finisher Robin West.

5200-pound Hot Rod: Champion Bob Zaenkert, Reserve Champion Trevor Zaenkert, and third-place Chris Zaenkert.

6,200-pound Alt. Gas truck: Champion (the little yellow truck) Travis Centers, Reserve Champion Taylor McCreery, and third place Miles Rosenberger.

9,500-pound Hot Farm: Champion Mitch Regendenz, Reserve Champion Chris Regendenz, and third place Brandon Monebrake.

6200-pound NAS: Champion Mike Patterson, Reserve Champion Bob Rhoades, and third place Tim Beisner.

8,000-pound 2.6 Diesel Truck: Champion Derek Martin, Reserve Champion Nick Zaenkert, and third place Drew Krogman.

I apologize once again for missing it.


Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of Larry Downey, Bobby Ford, Thomas L. Winner, Kathleen “Kathy” Miller, Charles Ernest Rex, Janis Finnarn Wells, Doris Tielbur, Theodore Tumbusch, Marilyn Wyler and Marion E. Rodeheffer.

Please pray for these people: Don Moody, Kathy Burke, Gladys Neff, Kara Didier, Carl Francis, Don DeBord, Otis Stewart, Chris Clark, Kyle Kaiser, Tina Ruble Ullery, Keri Marion, Cindy Lovejoy, Janet Kammer, Slug Midlam, Bob Peters, Phyllis Brumbaugh, Sonny Custer, Judy Collins, Linda Gasper, Carol Hemmerich, Stephanie Klingshirn, Alice Knick, Brenda Schlechty, Dennis and Theresa Wein, Betty Burnfield, Dan Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Pam Norman-Penticuff, Kelly Kelch, Mike Mayse, Greg Moody, Kelly Jo Eikenberry (kidney transplant) and son Allen (donor), Larry Linder, Steve Waymire, Jamie Knick, Nikole Baldridge, Chester Bryant, Lester Beisner, Delores Beisner, Kermit Foureman, Chuck “C.W.” Cruze, Mark Lovejoy.

Also, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Doug Winger, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt,  Zach Urbancic, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Judie Hathaway, Randy Garrison, Jannie Barrow, Kathy Gragorace, Becky Everhart, Donna Bixler, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all of those who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.


Happy birthday:
Feb. 23 to Jerome Dotson, Barb Teaford, and JoEllen Melling.
Feb. 24 to Jenny Dawn Riffell, Stefanie Zumbrun, Harold Rismiller, Connor Stachler, Terry Holden, Clair Monnin and Ed Huff Jr.
Feb. 25 to Russ Reichard Jr., Amy Fulk, Angie Stewart, Linda Wappelhorst, Dr. Brad Burns, Tim Becker, Amber Godwin, Glenna Broomhall, Michelle Magoteaux Dickey and Roselynne Widener.
Feb. 26 to Joey Schmitmeyer, Hope Snyder Brodrick, Dane Ganger, Judge Julie Monnin, and Amy Addis.  
Feb. 27 to Nick Hahn, Sherry Baker, Nancy Eardly, and Brenda Bierly Reichard.
Feb. 28 to Richard Hollinger, Bill Brown, Daniel Shaner,  Jessie Penix, Tami Liette, Mike Honeyman and Judy Byers.
Feb. 29  (Leap Year  Day) to Susi Thompson, Liz Esarey, Jeff Cole, Janis Edsall Combs, and Rick Hittle.


Think about it: “The danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” — Author Unknown