Joyful Jets 4-H Club December meeting


ARCANUM – On December 10, 2024 the Joyful Jets 4-H Club met at Trinity Methodist Church in Arcanum for a regularly scheduled 4-H meeting.

Vice President, Brooklyn Miller, called the meeting to order and led the pledges and motto. Secretary, Cheyenne Swisher, did roll call and read minutes from the previous meeting. The Treasurers Report was given by Caleb Wiant, Garett Miller gave a Safety Report and Willis Shiverdecker gave a Health Report.

In New Business, the club 2025 Program Committee meeting is on January 5, 2025 at 2:00 pm at Trinity Methodist Church. If Arcanum or FM has no school, then scheduled 4-H meetings will be canceled. If you would like Susan to purchase project books give her a list and $8.00 per book. Officer books (Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Historian) need to be filled out and turned in to Susan by January 14, 2025. The club conducted the election of officers for 2025: Brooklyn Miller, President; Hailie Wehrley, Vice President; Cheyenne Swisher, Secretary; Isaac Wiant, Treasurer; Brooklynn Longenecker, Health Leader; Garett Miller, Safety Leader; Daisey Shiverdecker, Historian; Hudson Wehrley and Jace Schiverdecker, Recreation Leaders; and Adelynn Longenecker, Devotion Leader.

Tammy Leugers led the club in games and the meeting was adjourned. Members enjoyed refreshments.

The next meeting will be January 14, 2025 at 6:00 pm at Trinity Methodist Church.