Greenville Middle School honors 9/11

Gaylen Blosser Photo

Greenville Middle School held an assembly Monday morning honoring Patriot’s Day. This assembly honors those who lost their lives, who lost loved ones, and organizations that responded to the events of 09/11/2001.

In attendance along with the students were members of the Greenville School board, local First responders, and Veterans.

This year, the assembly was led by fifth and sixth-grade principal Rhonda Schaar.

Schaar mentioned that those who were there and experienced what happened on 9/11 have specific memories and can recall specific details and moments in time. She shared a memory of her experience during 9/11.

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“I remember I was in a classroom teaching, and I had a teacher stop by and said that a plane hit the World Trade Center,” Schaar said. “We thought it was an accident at first. We turned on the TV; I was in an 8th-grade U.S. history class. And then the second tower hit, and we knew it wasn’t an accident. That forever changed the lives of myself, my students, my family, and our country.”

Schaar went on to discuss that though time moves forward and our focus shifts, it’s important to remember the events of September 11, 2001, as they critically shaped who and what we are as a country.

Schaar then gave thanks to the first responders and service members who are there to protect and serve us.

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“We often take for granted the service and sacrifice until they are needed, and it impacts our direct lives,” Schaar said. “But they are here on a daily basis to keep us safe, and that is their role and responsibility. Thank you. We have taken time out of your day to memorialize the sacrifices of those who have come before you. The work you do now is key to remembering those who have passed on and laid the path for all of us.”

The middle school students stood as Greenville High School NJROTC presented colors. With the colors presented, the entire audience recited the pledge of allegiance. Following this was the choir led by Kari Thomspon, singing the national anthem.

Following the national anthem was a moment of silence honoring those who lost their lives during 9/11

After the NJROTC dismissed colors, American Legion Post 598, Kettering, “Thundering” Third District Commander Ken LaVoy spoke.

“On that day, terrorists from a radical group known as al-Qaeda had flown four commercial hijacked planes,” LaVoy said. “One plane flew into the Pentagon, just outside of Washington D.C.. Two others were flown into the Twin Towers in New York City. A fourth hijacked plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people died that day, including more than 400 first responders.”

LaVoy mentioned that America had not been attacked on that scale since Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

“The events of 9/11 not only made us feel vulnerable, but it brought us together,” LaVoy said. “As we struggled to make sense of what had happened, we saw first-hand people show caring, determination, and unmatched inner strength. It is important that we continue to remember that day, as it transformed who we are as Americans.”

After LaVoy spoke, Greenville Middle School Student leaders gave recognition to the organizations who joined the assembly. They recognized the Greenville Fire Department, Greenville Police Department, Greenville Township Fire and Rescue, Spirit Medical Transport, Darke County Sheriffs, American Legion, VFW, Veterans Association, Ken LaVoy, and Commander Mark Atkinson, Petty Officer Douglas Scott, and the Greenville High School NJROTC.

As we look back on September 11, 2001, we honor those we lost, and we thank our first responders and our veterans.