Veterans Washington DC Trip Benefit Spaghetti Dinner This Saturday

All proceeds benefit the Veterans of Darke County Washington DC trip

American Legion Post 140 Spaghetti Dinner. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

GREENVILLE – Greenville American Legion Post 140 is sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, Saturday, September 16, 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. with all proceeds benefiting the Veterans of Darke County Washington DC trip.

“It’s a really good time, cheap dinner, cheap date,” said Darke County Veterans Service Director/DVSO Thomas Pitman. “Get a lot of people together and hang out and hopefully get a deal on something at the silent auction.”

Everyone is invited along with all former Veterans and spouses who have taken the DC trip in the past.

“We invite all of our trip goers to come out and have a good time with us,” Pitman said.

The dinner includes: Salad, Spaghetti (meat or vegetarian), Garlic Bread, Dessert and Non-Alcoholic Beverage.

The event will have Door Prizes, 50’50, Silent Auction, and Gun Raffle (awarded at Dinner).

Tickets are on sale now for a $10 donation and may be purchase at Darke County Veterans Services office located at 611 Wagner Avenue, Greenville or may be purchase at the door the night of the event. Call: 937-548-5305 for information.

Greenville American Legion Post 140 is located at 325 North Ohio Street, Greenville, OH.