GREENVILLE—On Tuesday, Jan. 24 , Greenville FFA sent two teams to compete in the County Agricultural Power Diagnostics contest at Koenig Equipment.
This contest involves a team of two members and each chapter can send up to two teams or four members to compete. Teams worked together to communicate, diagnose, and fix five “bugged” pieces of equipment. Equipment can range from gators to large tractors no older than ten years. Examples of problems that can be found in the equipment are bad fuses, broken electrical wiring, blown lights, safety switches disconnected, obstructed air flow, and other common issues.
Teams had a total of 18 minutes to complete each of the five stations. Members competing from Greenville included Troy Lavy, Wyatt Hissong, Owen Shaffer and Mason Hangen. The team of Troy Lavy and Wyatt Hissong placed 8 th overall and the team of Mason Hangen and Owen Shaffer placed fifth overall. Mason and Owen will compete at the District Agricultural Power contest on February 2 nd at Tri-Star Career Compact. Congratulations to both teams on a job well done!