Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR presents Bronze JROTC Award

Shirley Hughes, Regent Penny Weaver, GHS JROTC Cadet Chief Petty Officer Ainsleigh Davidson, Vice Regent Debbie Nisonger, Helen Wright. (Submitted photo)

GREENVILLE – Fort GreeneVille Chapter of the American Revolution recently presented GHS JROTC Cadet Chief Petty Officer Ainsleigh Davidson with the NSDAR Bronze JROTC medal and campaign bar.

Cadet Chief Petty Officer Ainsleigh Davidson led her platoon this year with distinction. She is a junior carrying a 3.701/4.0 GPA and has already been sworn into the Ohio Army National Guard. She will attend basic training beginning June 10th this summer before returning as our Cadet Executive Officer for the 2024-2025 NJROTC school year. Cadet Chief Petty Officer Davidson plans to attend The Ohio State University upon graduation from Greenville.

The Bronze JROTC medal and campaign bar are awarded to student cadets of outstanding ability and achievement in high school, junior college, college, or university ROTC programs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps.

Recipients must have demonstrated loyalty and patriotism and earned a record of military and scholastic achievement during their participation in an ROTC program. They must be in the upper 25 percent of their JROTC classes and in academic subjects. They must have shown qualities of dependability and good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training.