Edison State and Emerson partner to train registered apprentices

(L to R): Rodney Collins and Eric Haas (not pictured: Jacob Noe)

PIQUA—Edison State Community College partners with various companies throughout its service area to educate registered apprentices on the job and in the classroom, including the Related Technical Instruction program developed for Emerson. As the main educator for Emerson’s apprentices, the College offers a blend of on-site labs and traditional courses.

“Growing your own skilled trade force from within the company is beneficial to the future of both the company and its associates,” said Keith Barga, Industrial Technical Training Manager at Edison State. “Giving the apprentice the opportunity to work with experienced skilled employees on the job in combination with targeted related instruction produces an extremely valuable employee.”

Rodney Collins of Anna, Eric Haas of Piqua, and Jacob Noe of Sidney are the first Emerson apprentices to complete Edison State classes on campus. As Specialists with the Emerson Commercial and Residential Solutions department, they are multi-skilled employees in maintenance furthering their knowledge and skill through registered apprenticeship.

Nearing the end of the program, Collins, Haas, and Noe have completed hundreds of instruction hours through labs held at Emerson and traditional Edison State classes. To finish the program, they’ll complete courses in Advanced Programmable Logic Controllers and Servo Systems and Robots within the next year.

After completing their registered apprenticeship program, these students can choose to continue their education to earn a degree at Edison State. All courses completed through the program can be applied toward an associate degree in Automation and Robotics or Electro-Mechanical Engineering.

The upcoming National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), which takes place November 14–20, showcases how registered apprenticeship programs provide the high-level skills needed by today’s workforce. This annual celebration is an opportunity to highlight the success and value of registered apprenticeship.

Other employers partnering with Edison State to offer registered apprenticeship opportunities include Abbott Nutrition, American Trim, FRAM, Troy Fire, Spectracam, and Whirlpool. Visit www.edisonohio.edu/apprenticeships to learn more about registered apprenticeships at Edison State.