Darke County CASA 30-year anniversary upcoming


Darke County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) will celebrate 30 years of service in December of 2024. The first official meeting took place on December 8, 1994. The initial Trustees named in the Articles of Incorporation were Fran Gullia, Kay Robbins, John Marchal, Kim Katterheinrich, Eileen Litchfield, Brad Bixler, C.W. Drehs, Jim Walls, and Vicki Henderson. Six Trustees were then elected to serve 1, 2, and 3-year terms. These individuals were Eileen Litchfield, Brad Bixler, C.W. Drehs, Kim Katterheinrich, Vicki Henderson, and Jim Walls. The initial election of officers took place. Eileen Litchfield was elected President, C.W. Drehs as Vice President, and Brad Bixler as Secretary/Treasurer. Darke County CASA is a Not For Profit 501 C3 Organization.

CASA is a National Organization that came to fruition by the inspiration of Seattle Juvenile Judge David W. Soukup in 1976. Judge Soukup had insufficient information to make a life-changing decision for a 3-year-old girl who had suffered from child abuse. He believed that children who had experienced abuse or neglect needed trained volunteers speaking up in the courtroom for their best interests. CASA supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy for children and youth who have experienced abuse or neglect. CASA believes that every child should be given the opportunity to thrive in a safe and loving home.

Current Trustees and Officers are: Daryl Riffle, President & Secretary Treasurer, Eric Brand, Vice President, Matt Kolb, Eileen Litchfield, Dave Kepler, Laurie White and Caitlin Brown. Kay Robbins has been involved since the Organization’s inception in 1994, and Kay has been the Executive Director since 2000. There are currently 11 volunteers involved with the Darke County Organization. Darke County CASA helps approximately 45 children annually.

If you are interested in being a CASA volunteer, want to donate to Darke County CASA, or just need more information on this Organization, please contact Executive Director Kay Robbins by calling 937- 547-9091.