Darke County Agricultural Society seats new board member Jayden Hicks


GREENVILLE – The Darke County Agricultural Society Board of Directors met Wednesday evening during their Monthly Meeting.

During Public Comment, Advisor Tim Rhoades expressed his concern over the lack of communication this year. He explained that many new rules that were put in place were not shared with Jr. Fair Committees and were not discussed previously. 

“This was probably the worst year that I’ve had as a 4-H advisor in 49 years,” said Rhoades. “Due to no communication. Please in the future show respect to all involved, share new ideas, and work together.”

Madison Werner, Advisor of Trails and Tails 4-H Club was also in attendance to thank the Ag Society for allowing them to host the ‘Run for Cover Speed Show’ and share the success of the show.

Junior Fair Board Representative, Grace Graf gave the Junior Fair Report. New officers were elected and installed at the last meeting, President is Bryce Watson, Vice President is Katelynne Michael, Secretary is Callie Pope, and Treasurer is Daxton Harter.

Under Old Business, Directors discussed and approved the New Building Rates for The Community Education Center. The building is available for public events including Expos, Trade Shows, Auctions, Banquets, etc.. All Day Rental and 4 Hour Rental is also available.

Under New Business, New Director Jayden Hicks was seated for the first time. He expressed his excitement later during the meeting to serve alongside the other board members and work closely with them.

There was also a discussion regarding Weekly Admission and Anniversary Passes. It was discussed to potentially increase the price but was tabled to discuss at an upcoming work session. 

The 2024-2025 Election of Officers was also on the Agenda. Upon election results, President will be Marla Werner, Vice President will be Dean Neff, and Treasure will be Craig Bowman. 

The Darke County Agricultural Society Board of Directors will hold their next meeting on December 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm.