Curtis Yount for Darke County Fairboard


Paid for by Curtis Yount

Members of the Darke County Agricultural Society;

My Goals for the Darke County Fair Board,

  • First and foremost, I believe the board needs to become more transparent. We, as fair board members, struggle with earning the trust of our members. While I appreciated standing room only at our meetings, the idea that the fair board is trying to keep the community in the dark is wrong and needs to improve.
  • Second, the way we always do it is wrong! As board members, we need to believe and feel comfortable that our opinion will be heard but quit holding ill feelings if a vote doesn’t go your way. All votes need not be unanimous.

I volunteered to fill one of the open seats on the fair board, and I am very proud of my position. I would greatly appreciate your vote to continue with the task of moving and keeping “The Great Darke County Fair” the best in the land!!

Curtis Yount

The views expressed in this article belong to Curtis Yount and not necessarily My County Link, its affiliates, or its employees.