Commissioners approve contact with Korda Nemeth Engineering


GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday afternoon.

Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.

The board approved Resolutions (R-57-2024) and (R-58-2024). These are both petitions for Annexation in Versailles. The first is 0.549 acres, and the second is 7.592 acres. 

“This petition is due to the sanitary system failure and the current owners wanting to hook into the Village of Versailles,” Versailles Attorney Tom Guillozet explained. 

The board also approved Resolution (R-60-2024). This advances $54,817.53 back to the General Fund from the 2022 EMPG Grant. 

The board approved canceling a contract with E.P. Ferris. They were contracted for design services on the Meeker Road Bridge. Due to resignations, they no longer have the staff to complete their contract. 

The board then approved a contract with Korda Nemeth Engineering Inc. for the Meeker Road Bridge. 

“Korda was able to step up and fill the need for the exact same contract price and specs that the previous company could not perform,” Commissioner Matt Aultman said. “So County Engineer Jim Surber has recommended us signing along with these folks to perform the work needed.” 

The board also approved an Agreement with Butler, Fairman, and Seufert, Inc. for Fuel system design and construction services. This agreement has a not to exceed amount of $20,720. 

“We signed them on a couple of meetings ago to an airport engineering contract,” Commissioner Aultman said. “As they do each project they’ll have subcontracts that spells out scope, price, and expectations.” 

The board then approved an emergency repair for the lift station for Rossburg Sewer. This included treatment and disposal with same-day and off-hour service with Mike’s Sanitation Inc. for $28,567.25. 

“The money for this comes out of the sewage collection within that sewer district,” Commissioner Aultman said.

The board approved a Consultant Agreement between the Darke County EMA and Burton Planning Services for the Dark County Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. BPS will prepare a Hazard Mitigation Plan. The total time for this agreement is one year with a budget of $22,390. 

“We attended last Thursday a planning for hazard mitigation for FEMA funding,” Commissioner Aultman said. “You have to be within a five-year time frame for the planning and have your projects in there to be considered for FEMA funding for preparation, recovery, and stabilization of communities after a major event.” 

The Darke County Board of Commissioners holds a regular session every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm at 520 South Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. For more information, contact the commissioners’ office at 937-547-7370.