Alchemy Cocktail Lounge


GREENVILLE – The Alchemy Cocktail Lounge in Greenville will feature a rambunctious weekend of true Irish music over St. Patrick’s Day weekend, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 14, 15, and 16. Specials on drinks will include their made-for-the-occasion “Green Irish Grasshopper.”   

The Alchemy serves as a tasting room for owner Matt Delaplane’s regionally famous “Delaplane Vodka,” which he distills on his farm in Darke County. Master Bartender Pablo “McGillicutty” will be serving up the drinks, and the Irish-themed “free” entertainment will be featured in the “Upper Room” at the lounge, hours: Thurs. 3/14, 8:00-10:00 pm; Friday 3/15, 8:30 pm-12:30 am, Sat. 3/16, 7:30 pm-12:30 am.   

The main featured act will be singer-songwriter T Ora Finneran from the Oregon District in Dayton. T Ora originally hails from Elphin Parrish, Village of Noch Crow, Roscommon County, Ireland.

The Alchemy is located at 203 W. Main St., Greenville, in a historic and restored old Livery Stable, built circa 1840s, that once housed the famous Lohman Bros. telescope lens grinding business. It’s worth the trip to Greenville just to see the “upscale” Alchemy Lounge, which only recently opened within the last two years.

WHEN: Thurs March 14,8-10 pm; Fri Mar. 15,8:30pm-12:30 am; Sat. Mar. 16, 7:30 pm-12:30 am                                                                                    

WHERE: Alchemy Cocktail Lounge, 203 W. Main, Greenville                                                                                                                                                           

DETAILS: Irish Music featuring Irish singer-songwriter T Ora Finneran                                                                                                                                        

COST: Free!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

MORE INFO: (937) 417-4104 od Email: [email protected]