October 23 kicked off Inside Out Coaching LLC’s You Matter Bracelet distribution as they ripple into Preble County.
Bracelets imprinted with the phrase ‘You Matter’ were distributed Monday at Tri-County North and Twin Valley South Schools. This is done with the intention of spreading a hopeful message to students.
“This project is all about hugging people with hope and empowerment,” Heather Suerdieck, owner and head coach of Inside Out Coaching LLC, said. “It also ripples kindness and love for ourselves and others. The You Matter bracelets are inspirational wear that reminds you that you are never alone and that you do matter.”
Businesses and individuals help sponsor the bracelets to give to students. This week, representatives from 1893 Storehouse Co. and My County Link came to some schools during the distribution.
In the school announcements on Monday morning, a You Matter Reflection was read.
“To the Student who feels like you are never good enough, You Matter. To the Student who feels like you are all alone, You Matter. To the Student who feels like you are not pretty or thin enough, You Matter. To the Student who didn’t make the team, You Matter. To the Student whose struggles are not known, You Matter. To the Student whose home life stinks, You Matter. To the Student who is always anxious, You Matter. To the Student who is raising and supporting their siblings, You Matter. To the Teacher who never feels like they are making a difference, You Matter. To the Person listening to this today, You Matter. Let these YOU MATTER bracelets be the reminder you tell yourself when no one else does.”
Along with the bracelets, a small card was distributed that had a QR code to an inspirational video and a quote to serve as a reminder that you matter.
“Two of the most powerful words on the planet, yet we struggle to say them to ourselves each and every day. Your Journey Matters, Your Voice Matters, Your Feelings Matter, Your Thoughts Matter, Your Future Matters, and most of all, YOU MATTER!”
The bracelets and hopeful message will continue to be distributed throughout this week. On October 25, the bracelets will go to Eaton Elementary; on October 26, the bracelets will go to Preble Shawnee; and on October 30, the bracelets will go to National Trail.
“Since we started this project, we’ve done over 16,000 bracelets,” Suerdieck said. “We don’t know what people struggle with every day, but if you can find some hope within yourself and build your self-confidence if you feel like you matter, things would be a little bit different.”
The bracelets serve as a wearable reminder of the importance of self-confidence and remembering that you matter.