West Main Update – 9/25/2023


A big THANK YOU!!! To all businesses and residents affected by the work last week between Cedar and Monroe Streets on West Main–crews were able to complete temporary, intermediate asphalt in the area. There will be some lane closures this week to adjust manholes for the final surface.

This week, we will see paving crews move to the west, between the railroad tracks and Ridge Avenue, as they place final surface course of asphalt. Today, workers will prep entrances and exits to the pavement areas along West Main and Ridge for the paving to begin tomorrow. Final asphalt will be placed at the intersection of West Main and Plum Street tomorrow afternoon; please be aware of a slight disruption and short intersection closure.

After the asphalt surface is completed, final pavement markings will be placed. Permanent signage will also be coming in the next few weeks.

A few other updates from last week:

  • Electric crews placed additional light poles throughout the project.
  • Light pole foundations were poured on the island in front of Kettering Hospital. 
  • Traffic signal intelligence and detection were programmed.
  • Concrete crews continued work near downtown, around the West Main and Cherry intersection. 

As always, motorists should use caution and, if possible, take alternate routes. We appreciate your continued patience.