West Main Closure Update – 11/1/2023


In an ongoing effort to keep our downtown businesses, residents, and visitors informed as to the latest status of the West Main Street closure, we are providing periodic updates until the Cherry Street to Plum Street block is opened back up to vehicles and pedestrians.


It has been 130 days (18 weeks and 4 days) since West Main Street between Plum and Cherry Streets was closed due to the grave concerns of collapse of the Tavern Building. The closure was due to the Miami County Chief Building Official’s (CBO) Adjudication Order and Affidavit of Compliance, as well as the CBO’s and Troy Fire Chief’s certification that the Tavern Building is unsafe and dangerous. Therefore, West Main Street between Plum and Cherry Streets will remain closed until such time as those declarations are rescinded or the building is demolished. Opening the road prior to one of those events occurring could expose City taxpayers to potential legal liability. City taxpayers have paid $64,654 in 2023, which includes outside legal services in the amount of $37,757; the rental of the fencing being used to barricade West Main Street between Cherry and Plum for $2,726; written transcripts and other associated costs from the BZA’s rejection of an appeal by Evil Empire, LLC in the amount of $912; and, $23,259 in 2023 for our structural engineer to provide a peer review, independent assessment and analysis, two building inspections, and recommendations regarding the Tavern Building.

On October 20th, Troy Mayor Robin Oda and the City Council announced a moratorium on timed parking in the downtown historic district through the 2023 holiday season. All 4-hour, 2-hour, and 30-minute parking spots will be untimed for the rest of 2023. City staff will continue to enforce restrictions on parking in handicapped spots, as well as improper practices such as illegally parking in a handicapped spot, overhanging into a driving lane, and parking in one spot for longer than 72 continuous hours.

Stay tuned for more information next week and contact the City of Troy at (937) 335-1725 or visit our social media and website for up-to-the-minute information regarding this unfortunate issue.