Protect Ohio’s Constitution, Vote No on Issue 1


Paid for by the League of Women Voters

Our Ohio Constitution was amended on September 3, 1912, establishing the right of Ohio residents to initiate amendments and new laws, overturn laws passed by the legislature and approve legislatively referred constitutional amendments.  This was a protection for Democracy.

Now that right is coming into question.  111 years of practice is up for vote on August 8th.  A special election which is the source of financial controversy, costing taxpayers upwards of $ 20 million, will be the only item for vote.  Veteran Democrat and Republican lawmakers are asking taxpayers to vote No on this issue.

Issue One, if passed August 8th, will require a 60% majority win to pass a constitutional amendment, eliminating majority rule in the State of Ohio. Currently, Ohio requires a simple majority requirement of 50% plus one from voters to approve a constitutional amendment.

Additionally, it will render the ability to present a voter-led petition virtually impossible.  Requiring all counties in the state for necessary voter signatures creates an unreasonable obstacle to institute a ballot initiative.   If one county of 88 fails to solidly support the initiative, all counties lose their opportunity to move forward.

It eliminates the 10-day period that allows petitioners to collect additional signatures after filing their petition with the Ohio Secretary of State. Anyone who has filed a petition knows that more signatures are needed because of possible eliminations. With the passage, there will be no time to “cure” the petitions as in the past.

We will be severely silenced as voters without the continuation of this right.

There is no choice but to Vote No on August 8th to Protect Democracy and 111 years of history.

The views presented are those of the League of Women Voters’ of Darke County At Large, a nonpartisan political organization, encouraging informed and active participation in government, working to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influencing public policy through education and advocacy. League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, working to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influencing public policy through education and advocacy.