Visiting with the Queen

Darke County Fair Queen Sophia Aultman and Mike Stegall. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

Saturday morning on the 20th, after the Republican Men’s Club meeting (guest speaker was another Queen, the Queen of the Party, Katie Deland!) I got to meet with the Darke County Fair Queen Sophia Aultman.

The difference between her and Katie is Sophia actually has a crown! (Sorry Katie……we’ll have to work on that!) Anyway, Sophia, the daughter of Commissioner Matt Aultman and his lovely wife Morgan, was elected from an outstanding group of young people, and I think the right choice was made. 

Sophia is a senior and active in school at Ansonia, plays multiple sports, wants to go to college to study Environmental Engineering. She would like to start at Wright State, then to THE Ohio State University.

She was 1 of 2 counselors for the recently held STEAM camp put on by the Economic Development office. The camp was put on for seventh and eighth-grade students to learn about the available jobs and opportunities here in our county and area.

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Arts or Architecture, and Manufacturing or Math. Different manufacturers and businesses take them and show them all the opportunities here. Sophia really enjoyed the opportunity to help young people find an interest in something they could make a career out of. 

I asked her, as the new Fair Queen, was she and her court going to try and break the record for visiting other fairs of 27? “Absolutely.” She replied, ‘In fact, we are working on that now, and we have already been to two fairs.’ Sophia said she was shocked when she was picked because “the other candidates were so worthy, and it was a really good group, and it was fun being with them.”

Being Fair Queen has duties other than just showing up and smiling for people. She is our representative to everyone she meets, and her personality and smile will sell Darke County well wherever she goes. Sophia is outgoing. and her dad put her on the spot Saturday morning by asking her to speak about her experience at STEAM camp. She got right up, didn’t hesitate, and gave a very good account of what it was about. That impromptu presentation shows the ability to speak in front of strangers and present yourself well. 

Sophia will do a great job as Fair Queen, and the whole court will make us here in the County Proud.  Young people like the Court and Sophia are our future leaders, the ball will be handed to them someday, and I know we older folks sometimes wonder what will happen. 

I have no worries that with people like Sophia and the Court, we are in good hands! Thanks to all of those in FFA who help make Darke County a great place to call home! Now……Sophia, can you tell me a good place to get a crown for Katie……..I bet she would like to have one!