VFW Friday Night Cruise-In Brings Classics To Town

Good friends Mike Ford and Dave Cline use friendship to organize VFW Post 7262 Cruise-Ins

Mike Ford (R) owner of Ford's Transmission and good friend Dave Cline organize VFW Post 7262 Cruise-In. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

GREENVILLE – Greenville VFW Post 7262 held its fourth Friday night Cruise-In of the summer with a large number of cars, trucks and motorcycles on display.

The event runs every third Friday April thru August at the local VFW and is sponsored by Ford’s Transmissions of Greenville.

Mike Ford, owner of Ford’s Transmissions and good friend Dave Cline, both lifetime VFW Auxiliary members organize the monthly event.

Gaylen Blosser photo

“We love cars,” said Ford. “We’re trying to do something for the public and the community.”

The event is open to the public rain or shine and includes a raffle, door prizes, 50/50 drawing, food and music by DJ; Mick Waltz.

Gaylen Blosser photo

“We love people,” Cline stated. “We try to get around and see them all come in and see their cars.”

Ford said the VFW benefits from selling food and drinks to those in attendance.

“The VFW are good people,” he said. “Pretty good guys and gals.”

One VFW Cruise-In remains for the 2023 season; Friday, August 18th with a 5 p.m. start time.