The Troy Junior High School robotics team placed third in its competition over the weekend at the United States Air Force Museum, which earned the TrojaTrons a spot in the Dayton District Level event on Jan. 27-28, which will also be held at the United States Air Force Museum.
Not only did Troy record its highest score ever in competition, but it also won the Robot Design award for having the best design and being the best at explaining the robot and programming.
“We are so proud of what this young team has accomplished this season,” coach Amanda Grear said. “They are respectful of each other and honor each other’s special talents and strengths, which has kept their momentum going strong all season. This unique group of students really thrives in this particular competitive environment where their creative problem-solving, coding, and artistic skills are what earn them the points.”
This is the first year Troy Junior High School has had a robotics competition team since 2006. Team members meet after school. Teams are responsible not only for building and programming a robot but also for explaining the building process to judges.
The team members are Matthew Clark, Lily Crans, Jaxson Frey, Andrew Gil, Chance Haywood, Vie Rounds, and Justin Stacy. The coaches are Grear, who teaches pre-engineering at Troy Junior High School, and TJHS art teacher Laura Cantrell.