Tornado Alley Workshop a huge success

(Submitted photo)

GREENVILLE – The “Tornado Alley” Workshop Ag Breakfast, sponsored by Nutrien Ag Solutions, held Saturday morning, June 8  at Jack’s Cabin, was a huge success with a large crowd of attendees.

The presentation explained how, due to climate change, the “Tornado Alley” in the U.S.A. has moved east and northward during the last 30 years and Darke County is “now right-smack-dab in the center of it” according to local Attorney & Farmer Ted Finnarn, who coordinated the event.

Scientific Climate Change information was referenced by Aaron Wilson, Climate Specialist – OSU College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and by David Wallace-Wells, author of the best-selling book “The Uninhabitable Earth”.

Assistance to Farmers and Homeowners was discussed and addressed with hand-outs from FEMA, EMA, Small Business Administration (SBA), Farm Service Agency (FSA) and other Federal & State programs.

Information was also available on the Ohio Dept. of Insurance Recovery Toolkits and the claim filing process with Insurance companies.

For those who were unable to attend the meeting, the presentation outline and information can be sent to them – contact Ted Finnarn at email [email protected] or by phone (937) 548-3240.