Silver Hoofs 4-H club donate to Cancer Association



Silver Hoofs (MEMBERS OF 4-H) recently made a donation to the Cancer Association of Darke County.  They wanted to support the local cancer patients.

The group was started in 1959.  One of the original members, Karen Mills Meier, later assumed the role of advisor to the group.  Her daughters, Beth Israel and Mary Neill, were then members and now advisors starting a 3rd generation with Karen’s grandchildren.

The group is very family-oriented, and some of the kids now have kids of their own who are members.

The group meets routinely and is involved with many other animals for showing, not just horses. 

The group opens up many different opportunities to the members who want to learn new skills, etc.

Karen Meier lost her battle with cancer in 2014, and the group held the fundraiser in her memory this year.

Cancer Association wishes to thank this group for the donation to help local cancer patients. They also want to thank the group for their work and service to the community.

If you have questions about the benefits provided to local cancer patients, please call the office at 937 548 9960 or email [email protected]