Rumpke announces participation in Hefty ReNew program in Commissioners meeting


GREENVILLE – The Darke County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday afternoon.

Commissioners Marshall Combs and Larry Holmes were present. 

The board approved Resolution (R-82-2024). This resolution is two transfers of appropriations. The first is $8,500 to the Common Pleas Court to cover a part-time magistrate. The second is $100 to the Darke County Sheriff for NTOA membership dues. 

The board then approved Resolution (R-83-2024) This is a revenue and appropriation decrease. The Sheriff 2024 Justice Grant came in less than estimated at the beginning of the year. This decreases revenue and appropriations both by $24,996.90. 

“This grant was for the purchase of locater devices to go in the sheriff vehicles, so we knew where deputies were,” Commissioner Larry Holmes said. 

The board also approved a Fixing of Date Notice to Bidders for the First, East, Albright, and South St. Reconstruction Projects in the Village of Arcanum. The project consists of the reconstruction of First, East, Albright, and South Street with waterline, storm sewer, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and street improvements included. Sealed bids must contain an original and two copies of the bid and must be submitted by 1 pm April 2, 2024, to the County Commissioners. 

The board then approved PY2024 Allocation Program Consultant Work with Key Funding Services, Inc. Services from Key Funding will include environmental review records, obtaining funds’ release, and general grant administration of the Community Development Block Grant and will not exceed $30,000. Funding for these services has been designated in the budget for the PY2024 CDBG Allocation Program Grant. 

At the end of the meeting, the board heard an update from Rumpke. They discussed a new 19,275-square-foot facility to be built. Rumpke is partnering with Arcon Builders for this project. It will operate as an office space, training room, and vehicle maintenance garage. They are looking to have a groundbreaking on April 11. 

Rumpke also discussed a new program with Hefty called the ReNew program. This is meant to be a more convenient way for Rumpke customers to recycle more plastics, giving a second life to hard-to-recycle plastics. To participate, you can purchase the Hefty ReNew bags and fill them with hard-to-recycle plastics. You then put them with your recycling for Rumpke to pick up, or they can be taken to one of the recycling drop-offs. 

Find recycling drop-offs on Darke County Solid Waste’s website.

Learn more about the Hefty ReNew Program on Hefty’s website.