Preble county author releases 3rd book, ‘Alive in Deadwood’


EATON—The newest novel by author Polly Kronenberger, Alive in Deadwood, is gathering praise from many fans of fiction. In this recently released manuscript, Kronenberger crafts yet another story of mystery, intrigue, and deception, weaving together a lovable cast of characters.

It follows the antics of Doris Darter, who lives the most ordinary life, and likes it that way. She works faithfully every day at White Castle Corporate. And at night, she goes home to her dog Brigley and eats bologna sandwiches on white bread.


Until one afternoon, the ring of the telephone upends her life. The call comes from a lawyer informing her of an inheritance, the entire estate of her great aunt. A bookstore in Deadwood, South Dakota. And that one little twist of a moment leads her into a tangle of murder, blackmail, and psychic mysteries.

Doris travels west to sell the store. But her life is turned upside down with every person she meets, all of them awaiting her arrival. She learns of her aunt’s involvement with The Ghost Club and is quickly drawn into the mayhem of murder, blackmail, arson and deceit.

A group of five women, all friends of her great aunt, draw her into their circle. But can Doris trust them? Can she trust anyone?

Kronenberger, a longtime Preble County resident, has written three novels: Alive In Deadwood, The Guessing Jar, and A Hard Thing To Find. All three are available on Amazon and Apple Books.