September 1, 8:16 am. Samuel M. Millbourn was arrested by A.N. Welbaum at Brentwood Ave. Offense of Disorderly Conduct/Offensive Gesture or Noise and Resisting Arrest/Resist or Interfere.
September 1, 1:01 pm. Veleska Y. Yasarys was arrested by J.M. May at Covington Ave. Three Offenses of Receiving Stolen Property and four offenses of Complicity.
September 1, 3:14 pm. John A. Henry was arrested by A. N. Welbaum at N County RD. Offense of Trafficking in Drugs.
September 1, 6:23 pm. William A. Schrier II was arrested by R. M. Gearing at S Wayne St. Offense of Disorderly Conduct/Intoxicated Annoy or Alarm and Disorderly Conduct/Offensive Gesture or Noise.
September 3, 6:45 pm. Jacob S. Martin was arrested by J.T. Yenser at E Ash St, Walmart. Offense of Theft.
September 3, 6:45 pm. Natalie A. Slife was arrested by J.T. Yenser at E Ash St, Walmart. Offense of Theft.
September 3, 6:45 pm. Brian J. Wood was arrested by W.D. Weaver at E Ash St. Walmart. Offenses of Theft, Possessing Criminal Tools, Possessing Drug Abuse Instruments, and Out of County Warrant.
September 4, 2:59 pm. Kiara C. Freeman was arrested by A. F. Kimpel at N Wayne St. PPD. Offense of Theft Without Consent.
September 4, 9:31 pm. Lesley M. Laughman was arrested by G.S. Lotz at Covington Ave. Offense of Disorderly Conduct/fighting or Threatening.
September 5, 2:44 pm. Chad M. Hughes was arrested by K.R. Ingle at s. Wayne St. Offense of Driving Under OVI Suspension.
September 5, 5:43 pm. Seth D. Hutchinson was arrested by K.R. Ingle at N Wayne St and Mound St. Offense of Possession of Drugs.
September 5, 7:14 pm. William A. Schrier II was arrested by M.L. Casey at W High St. Piqua Public Library. Offense of Disorderly Conduct/Intoxicated Create Risk of Harm
September 6, 9:12 am. Phillip Z. Lazarus was arrested by P.D. Crusey at Park Ave. Offense of Violating Protection Order or Consent Agreement.
September 6, 9:53 am. Thomas L. Hicks was arrested by M.T. Voskuhl at Scot Dr. Offense of Criminal Trespass/Restricted Area.
September 6, 11:28 pm. Jermaine L. Jelks was arrested D.A. Alexander at N Main St. Offense of Out of County Warrant.
September 7, 2:03 am. Nicole M. Bayman was arrested by J.T. Yenser at Indian Ridge Dr. Offense of Arson/Property of Another.
September 7, 9:35 am. Xavier M. Roberts arrested A.N. Welbaum at S Downing St. Offense of Criminal Damaging/Endangering/Knowingly Any means and Intimidation/Victim Crime Witness.
September 13, 11:46 am. Christopher J. Scott was arrested by A.F. Kimpel at S Main St. Three offenses of Probation/Parole Violation.
September 13, 3:07 Melissa A. Welbaum was arrested by M.A. Rodriquez at Covington Ave. Offense of Criminal Trespass and Theft without Consent.
September 13, 4:23 pm. Ryan A. Kiefer was arrested by A F Kimpel at W Greene St. and N Downing St. Offense of DUS Fail to Appear: Pay Fine.
September 13, 9:23 pm. Amber L LEgge was arrested by R.R. Beasley at Leonard St. Offense of Restrictions on Depositing Litter.
September 14, 2:18 pm. Randy E. Robbins was arrested by A.F. Kimpel at Electic Ave. Offense of Possession of Drugs, Driving Under Suspension, and Probation/Parole Violation.
September 14, 2:23 pm. Michael L. Anthony was arrested by K. R. Ingle at Park Ave. Offense of Violate Protection Order or Consent Agreement.
September 15, 12:57 am. Jackie W. Sweet was arrested by G.S. Lotz at S Wayne St. Offense of Disorderly Conduct/Intoxicated Create Risk of Harm.
September 16, 10:11 pm. Jessica A. Snider was arrested by W.D. Weaver at E. Ash St. Walmart. Offense of Criminal Trespass.
September 16, 10:11 pm. Dustin D. Snyder was arrested by W.D. Weaver at E. Ash St. Walmart. Offense of Criminal Trespass.
September 17, 12:11 am. Misty L. Diethrich was arrested by J.T. Yenser at Park Ave and Nicklin Ave. Offense of OVI-Refusal with Prior Conviction.
September 17, 7:46 pm. Charles R. Auxier was arrested by W.D. Weaver at Covington Ave. Offense of Loud Motor Vehicle Amplification.
September 17, 9:33 pm. Mekayla S. Reedy was arrested by D.A. Alexander at E Ash St. Walmart. Offense of Theft without Consent.
September 1, 7:11 am. Caller advised a male knocked on his door and rang the doorbell before leaving on foot. Officers located the male and found he had trespassed on other neighbor’s property. The male was warned for trespassing at each of the locations.
September 1, 1:01 pm. Troy PD requested we check a business for a female was an active arrest warrant. The female was located and arrested on the warrant.
September 14, 2:18 pm. The residence was checked for a male with a warrant. A male was found hiding in a closet while possessing an unknown drug. The male was arrested and incarcerated on the warrant. Drugs will be sent to the lab.
September 2, 4:25 pm. Traffic stop for a fictitious registration. The driver advised he just purchased the vehicle and provided a bill of sale for the vehicle. The driver was advised to get the registration transferred over as soon as they were able.
September 13, 6:50 pm. The complainant reported her ex-boyfriend was following her, and she had obtained a Protection Order keeping him away from her. The boyfriend was contacted an Officer stood by while the Deputy served him with the Protection Order.