OneOhio Recovery Region 15 board meeting January 8


SIDNEY – The OneOhio Recovery Region 15 Board will hold an annual reorganization meeting on Monday, 1/8/24, from 10:00 AM–Noon at 810 Fair Road, Sidney.  The tentative agenda is attached.

Region 15 covers Allen, Auglaize, Mercer, Shelby, Logan, Champaign, Miami, Preble, and Darke Counties.  Each County has designated three delegates to serve on the Region 15 OneOhio Recovery Foundation Board, with a diverse group of individual representatives being appointed by local governments such as counties, townships, cities, and villages.

As a statewide initiative, OneOhio was organized over nineteen distinct areas of the state to implement strategies for disbursing opioid settlement funds on a regional basis.  The Region 15 OneOhio Recovery Foundation officially organized on March 30, 2022, and has been preparing themselves to ultimately make decisions over annual opioid settlement appropriations.

Settlement money began to be received in Ohio in late 2022 and will continue for an anticipated 18-year period.  Region 15 has been waiting for the State Foundation to prepare the pathway for grant applications.  It is hopeful that these funds can start being distributed in 2024.

Agenda for Monday’s Meeting:

Pledge of Allegiance; Miami County Commissioner Greg Simmons.

Roll Call and Minutes from our November 20, 2023 meeting; Allen County Commissioner Beth Seibert, Secretary – 10 minutes.

Welcome/Opening Remarks and Agenda Approval; Logan County Commissioner Joe Antram, Chair – 5 minutes.

Reorganization of the Board – 15 minutes: Inventory of each County’s delegation for 2024, Region 15 Executive Positions for 2024, further administrative and policy recommendations and/or actions for 2024.

Comments from OneOhio State Foundation Board; Shelby County Commissioner Julie Ehemann, Vice Chair – 5 minutes: Harm Reduction.

Gaps in Services Survey results; Tammy Allison, Logan County – 60 minutes: Application process and grant scoring and weighting.

Open discussion – 5 minutes.

Scheduling the next meeting.


Here is the link in order to join Monday’s meeting virtually:

 Region 15 OneOhio January meeting
January 8, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (America/New York)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

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