O.S.U/MICHIGAN: A look after the game

From the Sidelines


I am writing this at 5:05 on Saturday after one of the most frustrating, but not completely surprising, games of the year.  O.S.U. was the prohibitive favorite and lost for the 4th time in a row to Michigan. Not overly surprising, this is after all, the greatest rivalry in College Football. Upsets happen.

This is the first time in 47 games that Ohio State has lost to an unranked team. The streak would end sometime, it’s just sad how this played out. There is no excuse, Ohio State was just beaten by the better team today, period! Ohio State had superior talent, home field, ranked #2 nationally, and had a great defense. So…..how did this happen?

Looking back, Ohio State has had trouble getting going all year. They usually don’t score in the first quarter, then turn it on. Not today. They scored, but only a field goal when they couldn’t run it in. Keep that in mind…..THEY COULDN’T RUN IT IN!

For those of you who read my ramblings, you know I have been screaming about their inability to run the ball for the last five years. Oh, they can run it against inferior talent, or like Ohio State ones that just concentrate on outscoring everyone. That works fine against inferior talent….but there are times when you just have to line up and hit people in the mouth…..and OSU can’t do that!

This is a real problem that Ryan Day has refused to fix. He is in love with two things: the short out pass and the deep throw……. and when he does run, it is mostly outside, that’s it. When he needs three yards his choice against good teams is to throw it to the most talented receiving class in college football, or run something wide with a back or a receiver coming across.

Nothing wrong with a pass until it is dropped or, overthrown, or intercepted. Remember, Woody Hayes always said ‘three things can happen when you throw it, and two of them are bad!’ He is right; that is why he and other great coaches want to establish the run. Everything plays off of it. Ryan Day does not get that. Oh, he talks about it….but doesn’t fix it!

His team talent is extraordinary, and everyone said this was a championship-caliber team. I must admit, I have had my doubts, I was really not overly impressed by them. I am impressed with Jim Knowles defense….that guy can coach! The receivers are great, NFL talent in all of them, and the QB, (although he was lousy today) is pretty good. The offensive line is mediocre at best, and injuries have exposed them even further.

So, being a smart coach, supposedly, why has Day not concentrated on the people who protect his all-world quarterbacks, running backs, and receivers? 

I have no answers other than he thinks he doesn’t need them. His skill people will save the day……How’d that work out for him against Oregon and Michigan? I think another problem for them was they started believing their own press. “Championship Caliber”, “All World Talent”, “Great Players all around”, yada, yada, yada…..apparently everyone bought into it, including the players.

Only problem is…YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT EVERY WEEK, and Ohio State didn’t, and hasn’t since Day has been there. Is it time for him to go? I don’t know…. I really don’t. That is up to the administration, and I am sure they are hearing it now from the fans. The guy does win most of the time and has a great winning percentage…..it’s in the big games he falters.

I hope he sits down and really reflects on his approach to the game. He has an offensive coordinator in Chip Kelly, who historically has loved running the ball. Why can’t they run it now? Because Chip is playing with Ryan’s recruiting class, not his. Let’s give him a chance….Hell, Ryan has had six years of chances, so what could it hurt? 

Well, there is my take. Congratulations to Michigan for not listening to the experts and running the ball, and winning. For those who doubt what I am saying…Look at the stats: 

Total Yards, Mich.-234 OSU-252 

Passing- Mich.-62 OSU- 175

Rushing- Mich.-172 OSU-77


I rest my case!

I am sure there will be some serious soul-searching and finger-pointing.  But, the problem to me is obvious. Anyway, there is still some football left for everyone, so just get over this one, enjoy the others (I turned off the OSU game in the second quarter….couldn’t take it, so I watched Clemson get upset by South Carolina!….. good game!) 

Christmas is just around the corner, the world has changed for the better I think, and I have a wonderful, loving wife and family….what more do I need? I’m good! That’s the way I see it…..from the sidelines! HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY SEASON EVERYONE!