My County Link Appreciation for Dale Barger and Gaylen Blosser


Where do our amazing pictures that we share come from? The majority of them come from our Sports Editor Dale Barger and our Publisher Gaylen Blosser. There is not much in the community they miss. While I was doing videos for the recent Rodeo, I couldn’t help but watch how Gaylen and Dale maneuvered around the event, up on the side, in between the round pen slats to capture the best pictures. Their passion for photography is evident.

Dale is mainly involved with sports and Gaylen, well, he’s everywhere! These two gentlemen not only are a pleasure to work with but their energy and enthusiasm for sports and events throughout our community is next level. They spend meticulous time making sure each picture is the best it can be. They have 35 years combined experience of professional pictures. 

Gaylen Blosser (Tonya Keller photo)

Gaylen actually started taking pictures as a child, I’ve heard him say that he always had a camera in his hand and he also took pictures when he served in the Vietnam War. His love for photography grew from there and today we are fortunate to have his pictures highlight so much in our community. He also speaks at the schools sharing his Vietnam experience.

Dale Barger (Tonya Keller photo)

I’ve heard Dale say he enjoyed taking pictures of his children when they started in sports and his photography springboarded from there. He takes sports pictures as well as nature pictures for us. He now has a column here at My County Link called, Dale’s Nature views.

Thank you Dale and Gaylen for all you do! 

Keep watching our site and socials for their amazing pictures!