Mississinawa Valley Completes Little Hawk Camp

"I believe we are going to create a real strong program" ... Coach Whitted

Mississinawa Valley Lady Blackhawks 2023 volleyball camp. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

UNION CITY – The Mississinawa Valley Lady Blackhawks volleyball program competed its two day Little Hawk Camp under the direction of head volleyball coach, Nancy Whitted.

(Gaylen Blosser photo)

The early group of the day included third through sixth grade girls while the second group was made up of sixth through eighth grade girls.

MV third through sixth grade volleyball camper makes a return. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“We’re teaching fundamentals especially for the little girls,” said Whitted. “Teaching them where their feet should be, where their platform should be, how to move their fee, not to be afraid of the ball, how to move quickly and get there and then pass it – pretty much basic fundamentals.”

Older Mississinawa Valley camper makes a set a Lady Hawks camp. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

The older group included many members of Lady Blackhawks junior high team that have been attending open gyms allowing for advanced learning.

“It’s mostly footwork, a lot of passing to each other,” Coach Whitted stated. “We put them on the court for a lot longer time period so they can actually play some games and get to know where they’re supposed to be and what the court looks like, feels like, how to defend, how to do offense so we pretty much get them started on the real game.”

Lady Blackhawks sixth – eighth camper makes a return. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

MV JV coach Alex Bragg and MV junior high coach, Koryann Elliott assisted Coach Whitted along with many of the Lady Blackhawks high school players.

“Alex was with me at Union City,” She noted. “He was my manager there for four years then he coached for three years so he know a lot about volleyball, follows it very closely. He’s very intelligent about volleyball and he just loves it.”

“Koryann has coached at club before and she is very into learning and wanting to be with the girls. I think she is going to do a very good job and I believe we are going to create a real strong program.”

“I require the juniors and seniors to be here because they have more experience but I had quite a few sophomores and one of our freshmen out here,” Coach Whitted added. “They come because they just want to, they’re not required to, they just want to be here, they love being on the court.”