Main Street Greenville sells out Adopt-A-Box Program, holds successful Planting Day

Gaylen Blosser photo

GREENVILLE—Spring has officially sprung in downtown Greenville.

Main Street Greenville hosted its annual Planting Day downtown on Saturday as a part of the organizations Adopt-A-Box Program.

Gaylen Blosser photo

Implemented in 2007, the program allows business owners and citizens to take pride in their community by adopting a box or pot.

“I think it’s one of those programs that help build community downtown because it brings volunteers together and the people that buy the boxes feel like they’re giving back to the community,” April Brubaker, Director of Main Street Greenville said.

Community members were able to participate in the program by sponsoring, or ‘adopting’ a box or pot, volunteering to help plant flowers during Planting Day or helping keep downtown beautiful by periodically checking in on the flowers to keep them free of weeds or trash.

“Community is what we make it, and the people here are great,” Brubaker said. “It just gives them a sense of pride to know, ‘Hey! We have a beautiful downtown.'”

Main Street sold out of pots and boxes this year, with 50 boxes and 20 pots.

Next year Brubaker said they plan to extend the program to Broadway side streets, to allow for businesses and citizens that were unable to participate this year.

Gaylen Blosser photo

Main Street Greenville is located at 421 S. Broadway St, Greenville, Ohio. For more information on the program, or Main Street Greenville, check out their site or Facebook Page.