GREENVILLE – Local Vietnam Veteran and Editor at My County Link, Gaylen Blosser was invited to talk about his military experience to three of Mrs. Roessner’s U.S. History classes at Greenville High School on Tuesday.
Blosser served in the United States Army from 1968 to 1970, where he fought in the Vietnam War for the last year of active duty. Like many young soldiers back then, Blosser was a teenager when he was drafted to fight for his country.
The students were very attentive as they were educated about our country, the military and even some war stories Blosser shared with them.
“It is always a pleasure to speak to Mrs. Roessner’s US History class. We must learn from history, both the good and the bad, as history repeats itself,” Blosser said.
“I am pleased to encourage the students to get involved in the local, state and federal issues facing our nation, as they are the future leaders of our great nation, and explain what may be accomplished by voting in our election process as soon as they become eligible and by getting involved in the voting process as well as considering running for office beginning a the local level,” he added.
“I am very proud of the great students we have in our community to lead our country into the future,” Blosser concluded.
In addition to the several distinguished medals Blosser earned during his days of active duty, he is the Darke County Veterans Services Commissioner, representing the local VFW Post 7262 and a member of numerous military organizations, including the Darke County Veterans Honor and Color Guard.