Light Foundation honors true American Hero

You never lose if you don’t stop trying ... Medal of Honor winner Sammy Davis

Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Sammy Davis accepts American flag from Light Foundation Camp Vohokase campers. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

GREENVILLE – The Light Foundation Camp Vohokase campers presented Congressional Medal of Honor winner Sammy Davis with an American Flag that flew over the Light camp’s facility.

“That was lightning to my heart,” said Davis. “It’s an honor to meet campers, and to have them present me with the United States flag is awesome.”

Dixie and Sammy Davis accept American flag from Camp Vohokase campers. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

“This has been an incredible day for the kids in this camp and everyone that serves this camp,” said Matt Light. “We have so many people that come together and sacrifice their time with a true hero and someone who has dedicated their life and their lives. Dixie and Sammy have stepped into the lives of everyone here today through their story and through Sammy’s way of life.”

“Sammy’s montero is, ‘you never lose if you don’t stop trying,’ and if that’s not just a message that kids need to hear today, but truly we all do,” Light continued. “We have been blessed to have Dixie and Sammy here with us, not only telling their story but also telling their passion, what matters the most to them, and what they want to see.”

Dixie and Sammy Davis, along with Camp Vohokase campers, respectfully look on as the American flag is lowered to present to the Congressional Medal of Honor winner. (Gaylen Blosser photo)

The campers presented Davis with an American flag following a question-and-answer period with the Medal of Honor winner.

“I’m watching kids hugging a Medal of Honor recipient right now,” Light stated. “There is so much weight that goes with that, and today, it represents something truly unique in terms of our program and the kids that we serve. This will be a day that won’t be forgotten.”