Life’s Reflections: Stop-off at cemetery lifts this family’s spirits

Here are the gravemarkers above for my parents and oldest nephew, Tom Brumbaugh, at Greenville Memorial Gardens. Notice Dad's military stone. Linda Moody photo.

GREENVILLE—This past weekend on our journey to an event in Greenville, son Jamie and I decided to stop at Greenville Township Memory Gardens, where most of our family members are buried.

I wanted to show him his cousin’s grave marker, which was recently installed, right beside our parents, Lee Jr. and Bea Moody.

Jamie told me quite a few times that he was glad we stopped. It lifted his spirits up. he said, and made him realize how precious life is.

I had seen it once before as my sister, Bev, and the mother of Tom Brumbaugh Jr. (the deceased), stopped by to look at it on our way back from a nursing home visit with our Aunt D’Arleen Waymire.

A closeup shot of the three graves that was taken to show off the new stone for Tom .who I usually still call “Tommy.” (Linda Moody photo)

Bev was so happy it finally arrived, and said she didn’t even know it was there until she stopped by the gravesite one day. She knew it was supposed to be done in the spring after she had ordered it, but was not sure the actual date. But, it’s here.

I, too, am glad we stopped. I don’t do it enough. I guess I am thinking they are in another place but it’s important that we visit the graves as well. We miss them.

Just about every time Jamie and I pass the cemetery, which is almost daily, Jamie says, “We miss you, but know you are in a better place.”

Yes, this is Memorial Day, a day of reflection and remembrance of those who died while serving in the U.S. military, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Memorial Day, it has been noted, commemorates military personnel who have served and died.

According to some information I found online,

The holiday was celebrated on May 30 for decades. It wasn’t until 1968 when Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which made it an official federal holiday and changed it to be celebrated on the last Monday of May.

It remains a day to honor the nation’s war dead…those who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Hope your weekend went well. It opened our eyes.

Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of Pauline Clarabelle Schafer, Ronald Hollopeter, Steve Holden, Larry Arnett and Helen North.

Please pray for these people: Jamie Knick, Tommy Farmer, Margaret Hoening, Manual Macias, Kathy McNutt Dapore, Lester Beisner, Delores Beisner, Kermit Foureman, Chuck “C.W.” Cruze, Mark Lovejoy, Connie Buemi Hodson, John Riegle, Michelle Grottle Wright, Cheryl Slonaker Gilmore, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Marie Schlechty, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, Bev Brumbaugh, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Abby Heck, Linda Lore, Ralph Byrd, Beverly McCabe Baker, Doug Winger, Rusty Maloy, Debbie Mayse, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Jeanie Francis, Mary Moran, Harvey Hinshaw, Bruce Kaiser, Angie Brown, Nikole Baldridge, Amanda Mote, Tom Moody, Gary Francis, Anthony and Theresa Grillot, Lee Everhart, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt, Kinley Bernard, D’Arleen Waymire, Tish Hodson Shepherd, Zach Urbancic.
Also, Sharon Gamster, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Carol Hemmerich, Sharon Hummel, Dave Hinshaw, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Michael Mowery, Kenny Edwards, Judie Hathaway, Della Burch, Ned and Brenda Wallace, Rick Marker, Randy Garrison, Steve Waymire, Warren Menchhofer, Jannie Barrow, Kathy Gragorace, Danny Foster, Noella Combs, Clay Sheffer, Becky Everhart, Marie Rieman, Becky Oliver, Jayden Martin, Stefani Priest, Steve Neff, James Enicks, Joann Freeman, Cathy Collins Peters, Donna Bixler, Vanna Hannam, Linda Subler, Roger McEowen, Sally Burnett Ganger, Gloria Hodge, Jeff Baltes, Judy Hoffman and daughter Shelly, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all of those who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.
Happy birthday:
May 30 to Kathy Swabb, Pete Grillot, Josh Hines, Shannie Denney, Phyllis Gibbons, Bob Seale and Colleen McKnight.
May 31 to John Burkett, Randy Rhodeheffer, Bruce Knick, Ashley Hoggatt, Megan Brown, Toni Elliott Howell and Jayna Johnson.
June 1 to Cathy Peters, Judy A. Middleton, Rhonda Draper, Jodie Bohman,
June 2 to Sherry Hayslett, Kim Dickey, Sydney Ward, Missy Sutter, Rhonda Thornhill Setser,
June 3 to Mike Follrod, Alex Peace, Dean Neff, Linda Roberts, Cleo Stump, Doug Hopper, Loretta Addington,
June 4 to Marie Schlechty (90), Kaleb Gates, Jake Klingshirn, Herby Byreley Jr., Crystal Branham Horne, Julie Graber, Paula Rains and Max Guillozet.
June 5 to Tim Brown, Connie Blumenstock and Eddie Anjos.

Happy anniversary to Tom and Kathy Ording on May 30; Harold and Shirley Marker on June 2; Rick and Lois Hittle on June 2; and Greg and Tracy (Leeper) Wendel on June 3.

Think about it: “It isn’t the number of people who are employed in a business that makes it a success. It’s the number of people working.” — Author Unknown