Life’s Reflections: Remembering the old crew of first newspaper job


I was shocked to hear of the death of Kenneth “Kenny” Anderson this past week. I worked with him when I came on board with the daily newspaper many moons ago.

He worked in the production department, where I worked at the onset of my journalism career. Before I was hired as a reporter, I proofread, typed articles to be printed and helped out with the layout of pages. I found my niche in life.

In fact, I started the day that Kenny’s one son was born. I remember that I didn’t meet Kenny until after his son was born, probably a day later or so. If I’m not mistaken, I think it was their son Chris.

That starting date for me was April 24, 1967, and it was a great 50-year ride before I went to work for the weekly newspaper, which had me writing for the paper media for another three years and before I came on board with My County Link a couple of years ago.

Kenny, like most of the other people in that department, was a friendly, informational type of guy. He was always a joy to be around and helpful if we had any questions.
Other employees there at the time were the late Glen Murphy, Dale Yount, Steve Anderson, Norm Klosterman, Foreman Jack Campbell, Inez Unger, Ron Garrison, Gene Brown and Kenny’s brother, Steve.

Still living amongst that group are June Baker, Wayne Anderson, Chris Rehmert, Mike Strawser and, of course, myself.

I was fortunate to have learned a lot from them. They knew what they were doing. We had many fun times while we worked, but we got the job done.
Hopefully, I didn’t leave anyone out.. This old woman’s getting old and doesn’t always remember that far — 55-plus years– back.. All I really know is that my career was most of the time a good ride.

The last time I saw Kenny was at a local doctor’s office, where I had taken my brother, for a medical visit several months ago. I was sitting in the waiting room when this fellow, who looked quite familiar, walked in. When he was finished with his appointment and started to leave, I asked him if he was Kenny and, when he said he was, I could tell it was by his voice. We talked for a little while before he left.

That sure brought back memories just as it did when I read his obituary this week.
I miss the old crew. Rest in Peace, Kenny!

Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of (former co-worker) Kenny Anderson, Jim Whittington, Thomas W. Kaiser, Benny Powers, Claude Pace and Rhea Potts.
Please pray for these people: DeWayne Yohey, Katrina Hoening, Kent Snyder, (Cousin) Carol Byrd, Kinley Bernard, Kathy Burke, Gladys Neff, Kara Didier, Dave and Ginny Reese (of Hopewell, Pa.), Carl Francis, Craig “Cheese” Thompson, Katie West, Bridget Brown, Don DeBord, Otis Stewart, Chris Clark, Kyle Kaiser, Tina Ruble Ullery, Cindy Lovejoy, Janet Kammer, Slug Midlam, Bob Peters, Phyllis Brumbaugh, Sonny Custer, Judy Collins, Linda Gasper, Carol Hemmerich, Stephanie Klingshirn, Alice Knick, Brenda Schlechty, Betty Burnfield, Dan Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Pam Norman-Penticuff, Kelly Kelch, Mike Mayse, Larry Linder, Steve Waymire, Jamie Knick, Nikole Baldridge, Chester Bryant, Lester Beisner, Delores Beisner, Kermit Foureman, Chuck “C.W.” Cruze, Mark Lovejoy.

Also, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Doug Winger, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Judie Hathaway, Randy Garrison, Kathy Gragorace, Becky Everhart, Donna Bixler, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all others who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.
Happy birthday:
April 11 to Dalton Horne, Dan Turner, Beth Davis, Greg Zechar, Amber Kramer Barbour and Preston Deeter.
April 12 to Randy Waymire, Patty Thwaits, Tammy Klipstine, Phyllis Coppock Brumbaugh, Ed Riegel and Dean Husted.
April 13 to Betty Birt, Robin Hesson, Kendra Breaden, Diane Summers, Rick Rose, Clarke Moody and Bob Jackson.
April 14 to Dave Knapp, Meredith Smith, Holly Hill and Nathan Cox.
April 15 to Andie Cox, Fred Dakin, Allan Addington, Kary Tollefson, Kevin Osterloh and Jill Moore.
April 16 to Kim Hiegel, Annie Sonner, Tressa Emmins, Carla Hummel, Todd Gasper, (classmate) Pat Barga, Amy Snyder Hine and Ken Mescher.
April 17 to Jackie Ford Lephart, Delbert Fourman, (classmate) Bob Christian, Joe VanVickle and Kyle Schlechty.

Happy anniversary to Kelly and Cris Moody (30 years) on April 16.

Think about it: “I do not fear being alone, my dear, I fear being in a room full of people I cannot trust.” — Brooke Hampton