Life’s Reflections: Is it springtime yet?

I didn't venture out into the recent weather, but I looked through my files and found this photo that I took of Alan Anderson taking his daughter Scarlett for a sled ride down his parents' hill across the street from us. Grandma Barb Anderson said she thinks Scarlett was 3 then. However, she is now 14. We moved in to our address 16 years ago. (Linda Moody photo)

This past week has been something else for us here in this region. We have been pretty lucky weather-wise in recent years, but 2024 has been a little different. It’s natural but different.

Yes, snow is pretty, but it’s not fun if you have to drive in it, especially if it’s accompanied by ice, lots of flakes, and wind.

I feel fortunate that we do not live in a region where there are always all kinds of weather conditions during this time of year. Sometimes, we feel like it is though, but I am glad it doesn’t happen often.

I am semi-retired now, and I don’t have to leave home if I don’t want to. But, sometimes, it calls for it, especially if there is an appointment we may have to make if we don’t cancel it, and if it happens too many days in a row, we naturally have to go somewhere to restock our food and other supplies that are needed during this time. I don’t remember staying around home this many days for a long time except for the COVID, of course.

We only had an electrical outage once here the other afternoon in Ansonia this year. That lasted about an hour or so, but we survived. Just glad it wasn’t colder than it was, and hope it doesn’t repeat itself.

Not only am I concerned about my son and me during these storms, but I am worried about family and friends who do have to go to work.

It seems like this latest weather condition, with the winds blowing, caused many accidents and downed limbs and such, a few of which turned out to be fatalities. That’s never pleasant to hear.

Being inside, though, during this interval has spurred me on to downsizing and getting rid of things. I am a recycler, so that’s always a plus for this household. Even Jamie is getting rid of things he no longer wants. I am proud of him since he is a creature of habit.

I am thinking we’re getting most of the ideas for changing our lives right now by Jamie’s television viewing of “Hoarders” and “600-Pound Life.” We don’t live like either of these groups of people, but it had a hand in getting us motivated. Don’t worry, I won’t use any of the information to change our lives in the wrestling shows he also watches. Neither one of us are “fighters.”

So, until spring arrives, I hope others out there survive the rest of the winter. Be careful in your travels and even walking in the white stuff.

I know I don’t want to break anything on my body or Jamie’s, not to mention the only vehicle we have.


Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of  Chuck Warner, Jo Ann Taylor Ashman, John Ed Mounce, Clyde W. Jones, Rebecca Louise Liette, Genevieve Robinson, Wesley Keith Rogers, Ronald L. Myers, and former editor/boss Bob Robinson.


Please pray for these people: Kara Didier, Otis Stewart, Chris Clark, Cindy Lovejoy, Carl Francis, Janet and Troy Kammer, Slug Midlam, Bob Peters, Phyllis Brumbaugh, Sonny Custer, D’Arleen Waymire, Judy Collins, Linda Gasper, Carol Hemmerich, Stephanie Klingshirn, Alice Knick, Brenda Schlechty, Dennis and Theresa Wein, Betty Burnfield, Dan Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Pam Norman-Penticuff, Kelly Kelch, Mike Mayse, Greg Moody, Kelly Jo Eikenberry (kidney transplant) and son Allen (donor), Larry Linder, Steve Waymire, Jamie Knick, Nikole Baldridge, Chester Bryant, Lester Beisner, Delores Beisner, Kermit Foureman, Chuck “C.W.” Cruze, Mark Lovejoy.

Also, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Doug Winger, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Gary Francis, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt,  Zach Urbancic, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Judie Hathaway, Randy Garrison, Jannie Barrow, Kathy Gragorace, Becky Everhart, Donna Bixler, Linda Subler, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all of those who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.


Happy birthday:
Jan. 26 to Barbara Riffell Helms, Jodi Gilpin Morgan, Joe Wappelhorst, Cassidy York, Terry Black Jr., Carla Kunk and Kay Bunch.
Jan. 27 to Ethel Lenker, Chad Beam, Aaron Teegarden, Roxanne Meadows, Elizabeth Wetzel, and Tony Baltes.  
Jan. 28 to  David Michael Bowers, Pam Weaver, Missy Smith, and Debb Summers.
Jan. 29 to Debbie Shilt, Deb Isaacs-Miller, Shirley Wampler, Mike Gray, and Amy Louis.
Jan. 30 to Rise Labig.
Jan. 31 to Karen Printz.
Feb. 1 to  Larry Rainey, Barb Greiner, Michelle Dickey-Black, Angie Young Noggler, Brittany Newman, Jann Coby and Dave Starline.

Happy anniversary to Todd and Darla Printz on Jan. 26 and Ron and Angie (Rose) Drees on Jan. 31.

Think about it: “If we didn’t have winter, the spring would not be so pleasing; if we didn’t sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome..” — Author Unknown.