Life’s Reflections: Happy trails, Keith, Peggy Foutz on your next move


DARKE COUNTY—I was shocked when I recently heard that Keith and Peggy Foutz were going to be leaving Darke County and that time is very near.

I wish them both the best in this new adventure and hope they know that Jamie and I will miss them as will so many other people in and around the county, I’m sure.

I have heard of the Foutz family over the years, but really didn’t get to know them until three or four years ago, when Keith became my boss in my second round of journalism.

I was blessed to meet and to have him become my boss. In fact, he’s probably one of the best bosses I ever had and I’m not just saying that.

He was the kind of person you could go to and vent and he would listen, and often gave good advice if needed. He cared for his employees.

I was informed by a former co-worker at my original job that Keith wanted me to contact him. It sounded like he was wanting me to come to work for him.

However, I was so close to my 50th anniversary at the daily paper, I resisted.

That 50 years meant a lot to me (sorry, Keith), that I didn’t want to tarnish that record by going elsewhere.

Two months after I retired, it was one of Keith’s reporters who contacted me at home and asked me to come into the Early Bird office. I did and the rest is history. I couldn’t refuse.

Besides, I was missing writing.

I can’t say enough about Keith Foutz. He was a great boss and had great people working for him and he treated us all like one of his family.

I worked for him a total of three years when he decided to retire and sell the newspaper. I stayed on for awhile and decided to retire again…until I got wind of the digital work that I’m doing now on a part-time basis for My County Link, formerly known as Darke County Now, this time working for Gaylen Blosser, who was a co-worker of mine at the Early Bird as well.

Yes, Keith has his quirks. He doesn’t like food that is green, which I agree with on some items such as lime Jell-O (ugh). And, he frowned upon the long stories that I would pen.

That plea was a bit hard for me to curtail but I tried to do it for him.

He will be missed by many and so will Peggy. She was just as busy being involved in such organizations as Business and Professional Women and Big Brothers/Big Sisters not to mention other organizatons in which she participated…all the while holding down a full-time job.

She has the personality for it, though, and that was great. They make the perfect couple.

And both were active in the Foutz Foundation in his son Travis’ memory, and they also enjoyed athletics and attended many games.

Keith began having health issues but I’m hearing that he is doing well again and I hope that stays that way for his sake.

“Both Peggy and I gave Darke County our hearts and tried to always do the right things, even when no one was watching,” he said.

The Foutzes are going to be moving very soon to Little River, S.C., north of Myrtle Beach. I’m sure the weather played a great role in this decision and that’s okay.

Keep in touch, Keith and Peggy!

Merry Christmas to you and to all of our readers!

Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of Ronald Dean Richardson, Jim Mitchell Jr., Lila Pinney, John Franklin, Carolyn Ann Beam and Penny Purnell.
Please pray for these people: Ron Mills, Gary Eichler, Beverly McCabe Baker, Linda Arthur, Rusty Maloy, Debbie Mayse, Ronnie Norton, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Miranda Weist Flora, Ericka Trigo, Jeanie Francis, Noah Back, Mary Moran, Harvey Hinshaw, Bruce Kaiser, Angie Brown, Nikole Baldridge, Tracy Bashore, Melikka Riffell, Amanda Mote, Tom Moody, Gary Francis, Anthony and Theresa Grillot, Lee Everhart, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt, Kinley Bernard, D’Arleen Waymire, Tish Hodson Shepherd, Clinton Randall, Sherry Klingshirn, Zach Urbancic, Sharon Gamster, Connie Stachler, Rick Libert, Harold Libert, Randy Heck, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Carol Hemmerich, Sharon Hummel, Dave Hinshaw, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Michael Mowery, Debbie Mayse, Kenny Edwards, Judie Hathaway, Ralph Byrd, Della Burch, Ned and Brenda Wallace, Connie Buemi Hodson, Rick Marker, Randy Garrison, Steve Waymire, Warren Menchhofer, Kenton Turner, Gary Knick, Karen Hecht, Barbara Alexander, Jannie Barrow, Kathy Gragorace, Danny Foster, Noella Combs, Clay Sheffer, Becky Everhart, Sharon Miller, Marie Rieman, Becky Oliver, Ronnie Young, Albert Duncan, Jayden Martin, Jeff Rider, Stefani Priest, Steve Neff, James Enicks, Joann Freeman, Cathy Collins Peters, Donna Bixler, Vanna Hannam, Linda Subler, Roger McEowen, Jerri Barber, Sally Burnett Ganger, Gloria Hodge, Jeff Baltes, Judy Hoffman and daughter Shelly, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all of those who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.
Happy birthday:
Dec. 21 to Karen Baker, Dr. Carlos Menendez and Lois Hoggatt.
Dec. 22 to Logan Moody, Sonnie Hartrum, David Schlechty and Rosemary Nelson.
Dec. 23 to Ed Kress, Vic Yagle, Garth Knick, Barbara Wilson, Kyle Wentworth, Nellie Reier and Bub Johnston.
Dec. 24 to Charlie Prasuhn, Jamie Husted, Lance Bartram, Rick Macias and Cindy Hayes-Burk.
Dec. 25 to Sheri Black, Kathryn Jeffers-Quinn, Carol Schuh, Cheri Antrobus and Connie Stachler.
Dec. 26 to Makenzie Stucke, Matt Duncan, Terry Curtis, Karen Hecht, Mark Hierholzer, Kelly Fliehman, Molly Walls, Kelly McDowell and Ron Gard.
Dec. 27 to George Kenworthy, Tracy Johnson, Daryl Goodwin, Mary Bevins, Eddie O’Rock, Scott Pfledderer, Rob Hathaway, Linda Leeper, Dana Heck, Tina McClanahan, Peggy Follrod, Aaron Scammahorn and Doug Drexler.


Think about it: “The thing about Christmas is that it almost doesn’t matter what mood you’re in or what kind of a year you’ve had–it’s a fresh start.” — Kelly Clarkson