This is no April Fool’s joke, but I have been seriously having a hard time coming up with ideas for the last few columns.
I had to think and think about this week’s column and then I looked up at the sign on my baker’s rack (pictured above), and I thought why not?
Yes, I have been purchasing signs with special sayings for the past few years to hang in my house to remind me what life is all about.
This one clearly opened my eyes: “Cherish yesterday, dream tomorrow, live today.”
Most of the signs are made of wood, and they all have meanings. Or, in my opinion, they do.
I love reading quotes to help me in improving my life. I think, at times, I may have senior moments or something like that, and that puts me in a rut. Sometimes I would get writer’s block when working full-time but it always seemed to work itself out.
Or, maybe it’s just the time of year…just getting over winter and starting spring with its showers…which could be affecting my attitude.
However, I always try to come up with something so I can make my bosses Gaylen and Dale proud (if that is what it is called). I don’t want them to think I’ve lost my touch even though I probably am getting close.
Nonetheless, I am going to continue writing here with hopes of developing better articles in the future.
I’ve had a great life with my 50-plus years in journalism but yet want to achieve more and hope that is possible.
I love writing feature stories on people and hope to do a lot of it in the coming months.
I will continue to write as long as I can. Once the weather gets better, my health improves a little and I can trust my car more, there will probably be more articles to write.
I recently wrote about Union City’s 175th birthday celebration coming up this weekend. They have lots of things planned, starting Friday and concluding with the Solar Eclipse event on April 8.
There will be plenty of activities for the whole family on both sides of the state line.
All are welcome to attend and participate. Then, throughout the remainder of the year, all over Darke County, there will be festivals. And they are always fun too.
The people of these communities have to be proud to share their locale with others.
I think Darke Countians are true to their surroundings and that is very important.
Jamie and I extend our condolences to the families and friends of Trenda Curtis, Jason Young, Billie “Jack” Hale, Marilou Coverstone, Gary Lentz, Mary (Hecht) McEldowney and Paula Manix Haworth.
Please pray for these people: Katrina Hoening, Kent Snyder, (Cousin) Carol Byrd, Kinley Bernard, Kathy Burke, Gladys Neff, Kara Didier, Dave and Ginny Reese (of Hopewell, Pa.), Carl Francis, Craig “Cheese” Thompson, Katie West, Bridget Brown, Don DeBord, Otis Stewart, Chris Clark, Kyle Kaiser, Tina Ruble Ullery, Cindy Lovejoy, Janet Kammer, Slug Midlam, Bob Peters, Phyllis Brumbaugh, Sonny Custer, Judy Collins, Linda Gasper, Carol Hemmerich, Stephanie Klingshirn, Alice Knick, Brenda Schlechty, Betty Burnfield, Dan Lockhart, Roberta Hall, Pam Norman-Penticuff, Kelly Kelch, Mike Mayse, Larry Linder, Steve Waymire, Jamie Knick, Nikole Baldridge, Chester Bryant, Lester Beisner, Delores Beisner, Kermit Foureman, Chuck “C.W.” Cruze, Mark Lovejoy.
Also, Judy York, Donald Booker, Dennis Leeper, Connie Stachler, Randy Heck, Ronnie Norton, Jeremy “Jerm” Burke, Gary Eichler, David Pretzman, Clinton Randall, Ralph Byrd, Doug Winger, Sonja and Dan Coppess, Bruce Kaiser, Amanda Mote, Paul Gigandet, Doug Whittington, Tracy Pratt, John Rimmer, Joan Keen, Larry P. Fitzwater, Jim Thomas, Neal Gray, Judie Hathaway, Randy Garrison, Kathy Gragorace, Becky Everhart, Donna Bixler, Cathy Melling, Scott Clark, and all others who are suffering from other life-altering illnesses.
Happy birthday:
April 4 to Pam Aukerman, Barb Bey, Rick Reichard, Glenda Miller Jones, Ronnie Barga II, Scott Robison, Amy Albers, and Pam Moody.
April 5 to Matt Harrison, Matt Jordan, Kim Passon Fisher, Whitney Wood, Robin Magoteaux, Linda Magoto, Roberta Coby Beyke and Tony Gates.
April 6 to Carol Martin Price, Robin Cook, Brent Fourman and Tom Doseck.
April 7 to Deanna Schlarman, Tracy Moody, Angie Drees and Alyssa Batten.
April 8 to Susan Robertson.
April 9 to Roger Harter, Alysha Oda, Dave Bonar, Justin Brumbaugh, Karen Johnston, Marc Saluk, and Jeff Mayo.
April 10 to Apolonio Perez, Gail Moody, Diane Siefring and Ava Kammer.
Happy anniversary to Dave and Becky George on April 4; Randy and Lisa Heck on April 6; and Jeff and Jackie (Moody) Sanders on April 8.
Think about it: “The danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” — Author Unknown