GREENVILLE—GREAT NEWS! The League of Women Voters of Darke County will now accept questions for candidates until Saturday.
With the Primary Election scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, The League of Women Voters of Darke County is again sponsoring a Candidates Debate as a public service. The debate will only be for the contested Republican Primary race for Greenville City Mayor. The event will be filmed for broadcast on for viewing at your convenience. There will be no audience and will only feature the two Republican candidates for Greenville City Mayor. There are no Democratic candidates for this office so the Primary outcome determines the future holder of the office. Both candidates have agreed to participate.
After two-minute introductory speeches, candidates will answer questions screened by a panel of League members and presented to the candidates by a moderator. The League will moderate and time the candidates’ responses. The program will last less than one hour.
Your questions for the candidates may be submitted to [email protected]. Questions should be appropriate and factual in content and may contain no slanderous remarks. Based on time constraints, not all questions may be asked. No questions will be shared with any candidates in advance of the event.

Questions must be received by Saturday, April 15 to [email protected].
The League has contracted with to film the event.
The video will not be edited and will be available in its entirety, after April 18, at the website. Any use of the debate footage requires the express written approval of the League of Women Voters of Darke County At Large Unit and this debate will only be shown without any additions or deletions. This footage may not be used as a part of any campaign material or advertisement.
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization with the major purpose being to inform voters about the candidates and issues. Further information about the Candidates Debate may be obtained by contacting Holly Finnarn or Eileen Litchfield, at [email protected], Voter Service Co-Chairs.