GREENVILLE – The American Legion 140 Post hosted a Veterans Day Ceremony in front of the Court House Monday morning.
The Invocation was given by Pastor Tim Pol from Greenville Baptist Church. The Flag Raising was done by Thomas Pitman with the Darke County Veteran Services .
The national anthem was performed by Greenville High School Band and the Pledge was led by students from St. Mary’s School.
Frank LaRose was in attendance and spoke during the ceremony. Larose is currently serving as the 51st Secretary of State since January 2019.
He enlisted into the U.S. Army in 1998 where he served as a U.S. Special Forces Green Beret. He shared that he currently still serves as a Green Beret in a reserve capacity. He also received a Bronze Star from his service in Iraq.
“Today is to honor our veterans, but in many ways the most important guests here are these young people. Patriotism isn’t something inherited, it’s taught and each generation needs to pass on that message,” said LaRose.

“We serve because of the men and women to our left and to our right that is a brotherhood and sisterhood that is legendary. We serve for something bigger than that, for the idea of America. That revolutionary idea from 250 years ago, it was revolutionary then and it’s revolutionary today.”
“America is worth fighting for, even worth dying for and not many things are,” continued Larose. “Today we honor those men and women that wrote a blank check to this country.”
He shared the importance of Veterans speaking to youth, the next generation to hopefully spark an interest in them to serve their country or simply just spreading awareness to them.
Ken Wombold, American Legion #140 Commander had the honor of laying down the wreath on the Darke County Veterans Memorial.
Following the ceremony, was the parade with multiple representatives from the county and veteran services.
The Greenville American Legion hosted a Ham and Bean Luncheon after the parade for the public.