Joyful Jets 4-H Club holds July, August meetings


On July 23, 2024 the Joyful Jets 4-H Club met at Caddie Shack in Greenville for Putt-Putt and a regularly scheduled 4-H meeting. President, Hannah Kendig, called the meeting to order and led the pledges and motto. Secretary, Cheyenne Swisher, did roll call and read minutes from the previous meeting. The Treasurers Report was given by Caleb Wiant.

In Old Business, revue cards to model at the fair are due August 1, Junior Fair board members need to look online by August 1, to participate in Bake-A-Rama sign-up online by August 1, and online registration for animals is due by August 1. In New Business, booth set-up for the fair will be on August 12 at 6:00 pm, bring projects to place in the booth at this time.

There was no public speaking at the meeting. James Enicks gave a devotion, and the meeting was adjourned. Members enjoyed ice cream treats provided by the club at Dairy King afterward.

On August 6, 2024 the Joyful Jets 4-H Club met at Trinity Methodist Church in Arcanum for a regularly scheduled 4-H meeting. President, Hannah Kendig, called the meeting to order and led the pledges and motto. Advisor, Susan Peele, did roll call and read minutes from the previous meeting. The Treasurers Report was given by Caleb Wiant.

In Old Business, booth set-up will now be on August 14, 5:00-8:00 pm in the Junior Fair Building. In New Business, booth patrol information will be given to families at booth set-up. Booth tear down will be Sunday, August 25 at 1:00 pm.

Elizabeth Jesse, Hannah Kendig, and Jase Kendig did public speaking. August birthdays were recognized, James Enicks gave a devotion, and the meeting was adjourned. Members enjoyed refreshments provided by the Jesse, Kendig, and Martin families.

There will be no meeting in September, the next meeting will be October 20th at 5:00 pm for the Awards Banquet at the Johnson’s home.