Joyful Jets 4-H Club holds April meeting


PITSBURG – On April 9 the Joyful Jets 4-H Club met at Trinity Methodist Church in Arcanum for a regularly scheduled 4-H meeting. President, Hannah Kendig, called the meeting to order and led the pledges and motto. Secretary, Cheyenne Swisher, did roll call and read minutes from the previous meeting. The Treasurers Report was given by Hannah Kendig. In addition, a Health Report was given by Willis Shiverdecker.

In Old Business, club dues are due tonight and if you ordered project books they can be picked up from Susan. Trash Bash will be April 20-21, plan to pick up your information at the fairgrounds Friday, April 19. The Junior Fair poultry click is April 13 at the Ohio Building at the fairgrounds. Give your t-shirt size to Susan tonight for new club shirts. In New Business, if you are interested in being on the booth committee see Sarah Rock. Updated club calendars and member lists were available for members. Anyone can give club project demonstrations at a regular meeting.

4-H Camp will be June 9-13, the club voted to pay the annual insurance premium, the club’s Facebook page was discussed, information was shared about the online sale meeting, and Skillathon dates were shared. The Wehrley and Shiverdecker members did public speaking, April birthdays were recognized, and the meeting was adjourned. Members enjoyed refreshments provided by the Wehrley and Shiverdecker families.