Job Opportunity: Emergency Communications Operator (ECO)


GREENVILLE – Notice is hereby given that the Civil Service Commission of the City of Greenville in Darke County will hold a written examination for the position of Emergency Communications Operator (ECO) for the Police Department of the City of Greenville, on Wednesday, June 26, at 6 PM in the Greenville Municipal Building Basement Classroom, 100 Public Square, Greenville.

Applicants must have attained the age of 18 on or before the date of the written examination; must have a valid driver’s license and a high school diploma or GED as of June 26; must be citizens of the United States of America or have legally declared their intentions of becoming United States citizens; and must pass the Civil Service written exam, background check, polygraph, medical and psychological exams, and a drug screen. A minimum score of 70% is required to pass the written exam. The 2024 Salary ranges from $21.74 to $26.99 hourly, plus benefits.

Job description: ECOs will be assigned to Dispatch duties, Records Clerk duties and are responsible for the same basic duties as sworn personnel: protection of life and property, preserving the peace, preventing crimes, detection, and apprehension of violators. ECOs have no arrest powers, but their use of communication skills (via phone and radio) is necessary to accomplish the listed duties: must answer telephone complaints, dispatch the proper police, fire and/or rescue personnel, maintain radio contact with the proper emergency personnel, operate the LEADS/NCIC computer systems, keep records of calls for service and abide by the rules and regulations established by the FCC. ECOs must also obey the orders and instructions of the shift Officer in Charge for business related to the watch and perform other functions that the administration deems necessary for the efficient operations of the Greenville Police Department.

Addition of credits: To be considered for a Uniformed Service credit of 20%, the applicant must be a resident of the State of Ohio and submit a copy of their certificate of service or honorable discharge from active duty. To be considered for a reserve component of the armed forces, including the Ohio National Guard, a credit of 15%, must submit proof of completion of initial entry-level training with a completed application. Applicant must pass the written exam before credits are added.

Any interested person can obtain an application online at or from the Office of the Mayor, City of Greenville, Municipal Building, 100 Public Square, Greenville from 8 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 AM to 1 PM on Fridays.

The application must be completed and returned to the Office of the Mayor no later than Tuesday, June 18 at 4 PM to be eligible to take the examination. A government photo I.D. must be presented to the examining officer to gain admission to the exam.